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《落水狗》(Reservoir Dogs)CLONE版\更新破解补丁

软件大小:2.67 GB
中文名称: 落水狗
英文名称: Reservoir Dogs
版本: CLONE版\更新破解补丁
发行时间: 2006年
制作发行: Eidos Interactive
地区: 美国



Install Notes:
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Burn in a120, burn with rmps checked, install DT4 with
vdrives disabled, and enable rmps emulation in DT4.
alternative option is mounting the image with Daemon-Tools,use
Prot.Stop to hide virtual devices and Securom loader to start game,
make sure to point the loader on ResDogs.exe and not Reservoir Dogs.exe
3. Install
4. Play

开发:Volatile Games
发行:Eidos Interactive
著名游戏发行商Eidos公司旗下的《Reservoir Dogs》是以导演Quentin Tarantino执导的同名经典电影为蓝本制作一款全新的第三人称冒险游戏,剧情忠实原著,目前该作由Volatile Games工作组加紧开发当中。游戏中引用了电影中的经典对白,给予玩家“填补原电影空白剧情”的机会。游戏将推出PS2、Xbox和PC平台多个版本,最早将于今年9月19日发售。本作的游戏事件并不是按照电影版那样,是按时间排序的,而是按照关卡任务结合的紧密性编排的。整体上看,游戏采用了叙述性的方式,节奏并不快捷。
 虽然电影版中大量抢劫类的镜头都是发生在仓库里面的,不过这对于游戏来说太过单调,因此本作采用的是以每个角色的视角来加以表现:Blue先生的命运、Marvin的绑票、Pink找回自己的珠宝、White护送Orange回到仓库、Brown在抢劫之后出逃、在Blonde离弃Marvin后Nice Guy Eddie来到他的身边等等。这些场景都设定在不同的地点,有的是按电影中的式样构建的,而有的则是虚构的,而事际上抢劫事件并没有在游戏中呈现出来,这只是一个隐含事件。根据玩家的选择不同,你将置身于动作或者对战两条线路当中。所有任务的完成并不需要杀戮,当然驾乘和枪战也可以发生。游戏中还加入了大量的值得留念的电影精典场景和对话,这些都用图标加以标识。本作的剧情扣人心弦,比如,枪战、驾车都让人神经高度紧张,在整个游戏过程中玩家都可体验到惊险性。在游戏中,玩家将充分运用操空性,你将遭遇到所有角色。不过冒险和危险并不会贯穿游戏始终。你会看到当警报响起,人们会四散逃走;如果你劫持人质太久,他们甚至会晕倒;不过即使你劫持了人质,你也别指望安然无恙,警察照样会向你背后射击。所有这一切都将使当前的场景陷入一片混乱。
《Reservoir Dogs》的游戏内容是以主角的视角展开,因此六个主要角色的特性在对话中表现得最为明显,特别是在发生威胁和暴力的时候。游戏采用了开放式的架构,大量的CG镜头有机地融于其中,一些特写画面更是采用了多种观察视角。在游戏提供的演示程序中,我们看到,Brown先生坐在一辆车当中,正奄奄一息,White和Orange先生发现了他,这使得Orange先生随后感到一阵痛苦。这一场景真实地还原了电影版中的一景,虽然配音演员并不是原班人马,不过仍能望玩家感受认同。整个游戏内容归为十个第三人称射击类关卡和六个驾乘类关卡。从游戏片断中我们看到,Blue先生正在交换珠宝,就在这个重要关头大批的警察赶到了,而Blue先生在大楼的顶层被截获了。本作的人质系统也很有特色,进入游戏后,你将随机地选择一个角色扮演,从平民到警察等不一而足,而人质则会出现在任意的场景当中。你可以将人质当作人盾,并可利用其与警察讨价还价。你甚至还可以命令警察放下武器。在游戏模式方面,《Reservoir Dogs》只支持单人游戏方式,这使得游戏更有深度,耐玩性反而大为提升了。

 P R E P A R E T O B E U N L E A S H E D ! ! 
Reservoir Dogs (C) EiDOS
Release Date : 08-16-2006 Protection : SecuROM
Release Type : DVD Game Genre : Action
Release Notes:

The game gives you the opportunity to play through the events of the
film - leading up to and following the break down of the heist - from
the perspective of each character. You get to experience those parts of
the movie that were only suggested, delve further into the world of
Reservoir Dogs and find out what happened at the diamond store. How did
the Dogs escape the cops at the heist? How did Mr. Blonde get back to
the warehouse with Marvin? Where did Mr. Pink stash the diamonds? Did
Mr. Pink survive?

Immerse yourself in one of cinema's most influential pieces as you
relive the Reservoir Dogs experience complete with Tarantino's trademark
style, violence and wit

The plot unfolds in a non-chronological order, switching between
different events as you get the chance to play each iconic gangster

Psycho/Professional Rating system: Play styles are monitored and ratings
calculated on your moralistic choices

Threat System: Includes hostage taking, manipulation and police
opposition: the professional way to contain civilians without resorting
to lethal force

Bullet Festival: Manage your character's adrenaline levels to unleash
devastating "crowd control" techniques

High-speed driving action includes chase and escape

Full original soundtrack from the film - the Super Sounds of the
Seventies brought alive with "Little Green Bag", "Stuck in the Middle
with You" and more...

Features the voice and likeness of Michael Madsen as Mr Blonde

Install Notes:
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Burn in a120, burn with rmps checked, install DT4 with
vdrives disabled, and enable rmps emulation in DT4.
alternative option is mounting the image with Daemon-Tools,use
Prot.Stop to hide virtual devices and Securom loader to start game,
make sure to point the loader on ResDogs.exe and not Reservoir Dogs.exe
3. Install
4. Play

Enjoy Reservoir Dogs, brought to you first by Unleashed.....who else.
Unleashed salutes all friends of the family, contacts and competition!
" Unleashed Unleashed Unleashed Unleashed Unleashed "

《落水狗》(Reservoir Dogs)CLONE版\更新破解补丁下载

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  • 名称:《落水狗》(Reservoir Dogs)CLONE版\更新破解补丁
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:49:54
  • 资源大小:2.67 GB
  • 授权形式:免费