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《星级酒店 第一季》(Hotel Babylon Season 1)[YDY伊甸园字幕组出品]全8集[RMVB]

软件大小:1.55 GB

【类 型】:剧情
【片 长】:45分钟
【集 数】:未知
【字 幕】:中文
【服务器】: S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)
全新剧集《星级酒店》由Imogen Edwards - Jones 畅销小说改编,是BBC英国广播公司的最新剧作,在英国开播时,其高收视瞬即打倒其他同时段节目,成为该时段收视冠军,大结局更赢得574万观的支持,。在英国伦敦五星级酒店Hotel Babylon内,您可以体会到富贵人家紫醉金迷的生活,还可以一窥酒店员工殷勤服务和亲切笑容背后工作的辛酸,甚至乎上宾贵客光怪陆离的人生百态。华丽的场景、幽默的对白、以及魅力逼人的演员阵容,都令剧集引人入胜,吸引观追看。
首集由彬彬有礼的接待处主管Charlie 带大家进入这间充满幻想和纵的星级酒店。他到酒店接受乾劲十足的总经理Rebecca的面试,希望获得酒店副经理一职,但风情万种的Anna的出表现令她成为Charlie的头号竞争对手。此时,走来一名可疑的豪华轿车司机Pete,声称认识Charlie,Charlie不禁一阵心慌。究竟Charlie有什么不可告人的秘密?
Charlie introduces us to the world of Hotel Babylon - a world of fantasy and indulgence, where you can be whatever you want to be, provided you have the cash to pay for it. Charlie is interviewed by Rebecca for the job of Deputy Manager, but arch rival Anna emerges as a clever and formidable opponent. To prove his worth, Charlie must manipulate a world-famous rock band into spending as much money as possible - which is proving unusually tricky. A suspicious limo driver, Pete, adds to his worries, claiming to know Charlie - does he have something to conceal? Meanwhile, Rebecca is mysteriously hiding out at the hotel and someone clearly has it in for her.
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《星级酒店 第一季》(Hotel Babylon Season 1)[YDY伊甸园字幕组出品]全8集[RMVB]下载

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  • 名称:《星级酒店 第一季》(Hotel Babylon Season 1)[YDY伊甸园字幕组出品]全8集[RMVB]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 20:15:27
  • 资源大小:1.55 GB
  • 授权形式:免费