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《宁静号 第一季》(Firefly Season 1)[风软FRTVS小组出品]更新电影完结篇|本季完[RMVB]

软件大小:2.99 GB

【类型】: 科幻 动作 冒险
【影片长度】: 平均45分钟
【集数】: 全季共13集
【字幕】: 中文
【服务器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 全天24小时

【制 作】:风软FRM字幕组+风软FRTVS压制组

故事发生在距今500年后,人类已经丢弃了地球,来到了一个全新行星系统。宇宙飞船宁静号的船长Malcolm Reynolds反对建立新的联合中央政府"同盟国"。在他的带领下,宁静号队员们穿梭于行星边界,躲避同盟国的追击,尽一切手段求取生存。这部剧集被誉为"科幻西部片",与其他以太空为主题的剧集不同的是,Firefly不涉及外星人。
"Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me. Take me out to the black, tell them I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me......There's no place I can be since I found Serenity, you can't take the sky from me." Firefly is set five hundred years from today in a new planetary system after humanity abandons "Earth That Was". Under the leadership of Malcolm Reynolds, a renegade who fought against the new unified central government (the "Alliance"), the crew of the Firefly-class vessel Serenity struggles to survive any way they can. They fly between the border planets to keep away from the Alliance and below its radar. This series was described as a "science fiction western" but is different from other space-based shows as it features no aliens. (For stations and individuals seeking the intended air order of the series as specified by creator Joss Whedon, as opposed to the order Fox originally aired them or that they are informing stations is the order they should be shown in, see here ) Each of the crew members has a special role: Malcolm Reynolds holds the duty of Captain - he is a defeated soldier who opposed the unification of the planets by the Alliance to no avail. He strives to keep all his crew members on task and Serenity flying safely, while trying to make a living and do the right thing...in his rather flexible moral framework. Zoe (aka The Soldier) is extremely loyal to Reynolds as she served with him during the war and owes her life to him. Zoe has the strength and experience to take command of the ship, if necessary. Wash is Serenity 's pilot (and Zoe's husband) - unassuming, self-deprecating, and calm with a sense of humor. Kaylee is the ship's mechanic - an experienced engineer who keeps Serenity flying. Inara is a 'Registered Companion,' most easily described as a high-priced courtesan or geisha. She is also the person with the highest social standing on the ship and acts as the crew's Ambassador. Jayne is the muscle of the crew. A tough, uncultured Mercenary, unpleasant and offensively direct, but loyal to those on his crew...usually. The newcomers are: Simon Tam is the Doctor on Serenity and comes from a wealthy family and has a privileged upbringing. He has spent his life savings and future to save his sister, River. River (aka The Fugitive) was experimented on by the government. Her psychic visions (a result of the experiments) are taken at first as babble by the crew but they slowly come to realize that there's more going on than what shows on the surface. Book or "The Shepherd," is a wise minister who knows far more about military matters and battle tactics than a man of the cloth should, and his past is shrouded in mystery.
Nathan Fillion 饰 Capt. Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds
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Nathan Fillion出身于加拿大阿尔伯达省埃德蒙顿市。1994年赴纽约发展。1996年并借在肥皂剧《One life to live》中的精彩演出获得日间艾美奖提名。1997年,Nathan来到洛杉矶寻找新机遇,出演了《拯救大兵雷恩》。2001年,电视剧《萤火虫》中担任主角。《萤火虫》结束后,Nathan又陆续出演电视剧《捉鬼者巴菲》、电影版《萤火虫》、恐怖片《撕裂人》等。2007年他的新片《女服务生》《白噪音2》也将陆续上映。
Gina Torres 饰 Zoe Washburne
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Gina Torres1969年出生于纽约曼哈顿。父母都是古巴人,她成长在拉丁社区。Gina从小擅长声乐,但由于负担不起学费,高中毕业后,没有进入大学深造。日间肥皂剧《One Life to Live》是Gina的首次小屏幕演出。之后她陆续出演了电视剧《战士公主西娜》《双面女间谍》《萤火虫》,电影《黑客帝国》《发型秀》《对抗性游戏》及电影版《萤火虫》。2002年9月,Gina与演员Laurence Fishburne喜结连理,两人曾共同出演《黑客帝国》。
Alan Tudyk 饰 Hoban 'Wash' Washburne
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Alan Tudyk出生于美国得克萨斯州。1999年他出演了自己第一部百老汇舞台剧Epic Proportions。2002年在电视剧《萤火中》中出演了睿智的飞行员Wash。电影作品有《疯狂躲避球》,《我,机器人》(配音),以及电影版《萤火虫》。
Morena Baccarin 饰 Inara Serra
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Morena Baccarin 1979年出生于巴西里约日内卢,在纽约长大。她的母亲Vera Setta是著名的巴西演员,Morena从小耳闻目染表演艺术。2001年,Morena的第一个电影角色贡献给了独立电影《香水》。同年,她又在电影《远离百老汇》中出演Rebecca一角,并获得了葡萄酒乡电影节最佳女演员奖。2002年,她出演了电影《震撼性教育》及《海鸥》,并在其中担任娜塔丽波特曼替身。
Adam Baldwin 饰 Jayne Cobb
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Adam Baldwin 1962年2月27日出生于芝加哥。曾出演《X档案》《黑暗天使》《重案疑云》等电视剧。
Jewel Staite 饰 Kaylee Frye
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Jewel Staite 1982年6月2日出生于不列颠哥伦比亚省。1986年,Jewel为一家百货商店拍摄了电视广告,她的模特生涯由此开始。1996年,Jewel凭借在电视剧《Flash Forward》中的演出获得了加拿大电视双子星奖。其最著名的角色是电视剧《萤火虫》及其电影版中的Kaylee一角。
Sean Maher 饰 Dr. Simon Tam
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Sean Maher 1975年出生于纽约州威彻斯特县,拥有纽约大学戏剧艺术学士学位。Sean的第一部电视剧是FOX电视台的《Ryan Caulfield》。虽然播出2周后即被取消,但是San在其中的演出却受到好评,并陆续出演了电视剧《五人派对》《华尔街》《布莱恩之歌》等。2004年,Sean出演了独立电影《生命终点》及电影版《萤火虫》
Summer Glau 饰 River Tam
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Summer Glau来自得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市,父亲是总承包商,母亲是教师。由于Summer从小学习芭蕾,因此3年级至12年级的课程都是母亲在家教授的。2004年,在参与了一系列商业广告及舞台演出后,Summer出演了她的第一部电影《彻夜狂欢》。目前,Summer著名的角色是《萤火虫》中的River Tam一角。
Ron Glass 饰 Shepherd Book
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    • 名称:《宁静号 第一季》(Firefly Season 1)[风软FRTVS小组出品]更新电影完结篇|本季完[RMVB]
    • 更新日期:2016-11-28 21:08:25
    • 资源大小:2.99 GB
    • 授权形式:免费