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《暗域魔舰 第二季》(Lexx Season 2)[幻游F2F出品]更新到第9集[RMVB]

软件大小:1.51 GB

【类型】: 科幻/幻想/冒险/喜剧
【片长】: 每集平均48分钟
【集数】: 第二季共20集
【字幕】: 中文
【格式】: DVD-RMVB
【服务器】: 端口:80
【分享时间】: 全天24小时
  这是一部集创意,幽默,性感,数字特效于一体的最具有想象力最令人惊奇的科幻剧。“我是Kai,Brunnen-G种族最后的幸存者。几千年前, 在对抗野蛮虫族的战争中,Brunnen-G人类虽然获得了胜利,但他们渗入了我们内部。面对由2万个星球组成的联盟,我们最终寡不敌众。伟大的先知预言,我将是破坏这个联盟秩序的天选之人。有一天那一定会发生,但不是今天,因为今天是我的死期。今天,我们的传说开始了……”
从播出过程来看,这部电视剧可谓历尽磨难。起初排定播出时间表的时候,《Lexx》的第一季是作为迷你短剧上映的,原名叫《Lexx:The Dark Zone Stories》(Lexx:黑暗地带的故事),首播于加拿大城市电视台。不久,美国有线电影频道购买了播映权,并于1997年7月-8月播出。第一季大受好评之后,不久就拍摄了第二季。加拿大最有名的幻想节目电视台:Space频道买下了全季的播映权,但随后又卖给美国有线科幻频道(US SCI-FI)。SCI-FI并没有马上播出,而是在两年后的2000年才随机播出了全季电视剧。第三季的首播是2000年,但首先购买播映权的却是英国的有线科幻频道(UK SCI-FI) 。US SCI-FI见该剧反响不错,随即决定播出第三季,播出时间是在第二季播完后的几个月。第四季终于是被US SCI-FI投资拍摄并首播的。 1998-1999年,Lexx两度被提名为“双子星奖”的“最佳视觉奖”,1998年还被提名为“最佳原创音乐奖”、“最佳创意”和“最佳艺术奖”。
  本剧剧情由加拿大作家/导演Paul Donovan于80年代构思创作。《LEXX》是一部奇异的电视剧,故事围绕一个不死的刺客、一个倒霉的失败者、一个半人半蜥蜴(人形外表,丛林蜥蜴的力量和攀爬技能)的美丽女人和一个渴望得到这个女人爱情却只剩下光秃秃脑袋的机器头展开。他们偷了一艘具有意识思维和感觉力的战舰LEXX号,克服了一个又一个艰难险阻,却还是在黑暗邪恶的宇宙中惹来了更多的麻烦。他们刚刚逃出水与火的战场与“他影”帝国黑暗王子的魔掌,又遇到一个前所未有的巨大挑战:他们不得不面对在宇宙中还处于原始低等水平的社会地球。故事看起来和《红矮星号》、《第五元素》很像,但却充满了独特个性(个人认为和《遥远星际》(Farscape)也有点像)。
"I am Kai, last of the Brunnen-G.
Millennia ago, the Brunnen-G led humanity to victory in the war against the insect civilization. The Timeprophet predicted that I would be the one to destroy the divine order in the league of the 20.000 planets. Someday that will happen, but not today. Cause' today is my day of death. The day our story begins."
A cowardly security guard, an undead assassin, a female with a body designed for sex and a robot head madly in love with her all make up the crew of the spaceship Lexx, the most powerful weapon in the two universes.
The 1st season airdates listed are from when the series was aired as a mini-series called Lexx: The Dark Zone Stories on the Canadian TV channel - Citytv. This series was then shown in the US on The Movie Channel from July to August 1997.
The 2nd season airdates come from when the television series aired on the Canadian TV channel - Space The Imagination Station. These episodes were later aired in the US for the first time on the US Sci-Fi Channel from March 2000 to August 2000 in a haphazard order.
The 3rd season airdates are from when this new series of episodes ran on the UK Sci-Fi Channel for the first time. These episodes are being shown on the US Sci-Fi channel in the months following the broadcast of the 2nd season episodes on this channel.
The 4th season premieres on the US SciFi Channel. In 1998, Lexx was nominated for the Gemini Award for Best Visual Effects (Tim Segulin, Bob Munroe, Stephen Segal, Kyle Menzies) and again in 1999. The series was also nominated for the 1998 Gemini Award for Best Original Music Score for a Program or Mini-Series (Marty Simon) and for the 1998 and 2000 Gemini Award for Best Production Design or Art Direction in a Dramatic Program or Series (Tim Bider, Bill Fleming (1998); David Hackl (2000))
'Worship his Shadow': Brought together by circumstance and to escape the evil rule of His Shadow, gorgeous sex slave Zev, cowardly nerd Stanley Tweedle and robothead 790 take over the LEXX with the help of Thodin. Thodin is killed by His Shadow's chief assassin Kai...but Kai rediscovers his true identity, and freed from mind control, joins the rebel crew of LEXX.
Fearful of Kai, His Shadow begins pursuit. In desperation the crew of the LEXX ram the core of an anti-matter star and into THE DARK ZONE, where chaos, depravity and disorder rule...
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  • 名称:《暗域魔舰 第二季》(Lexx Season 2)[幻游F2F出品]更新到第9集[RMVB]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 17:22:38
  • 资源大小:1.51 GB
  • 授权形式:免费