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《BBC 地平线 2008年合集》(BBC Horizon 2008)(科普节目)[3月21日更新9:死尸的价值][TVRip]

软件大小:6.34 GB

4月1日 (暂译)
3月25日 How does Your Memory Work? 记忆的实现 (暂译)
How Much Is Your Dead Body Worth? 死尸的价值
First broadcast: Tuesday 18th March 2008, 9pm, BBC Two

When veteran broadcaster Alistair Cooke died in 2004 few suspected that he was yet to uncover his greatest story. What happened to his body as it lay in a funeral home would reveal a story of modern day grave robbery and helped smash a body-snatching ring that had made millions of dollars by chopping up and selling-off over 1000 bodies. Dead bodies have become big business.
Each year millions of people's lives are improved by the use of tissue from the dead. Bodies are used to supply spare parts, and for surgeons to practice on. Horizon investigates the medical revolution that has created an almost insatiable demand for body parts and uncovers the growing industry and grisly black market that supplies human bodies for a price.
Are We Alone in the Universe? 茫茫宇宙,我们并不孤单
First broadcast: Tuesday 4th March 2008, 9pm, BBC Two

For fifty years, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence has been scanning the galaxy for a message from an alien civilisation. So far to no avail, but a recent breakthrough suggests they may one day succeed.
Horizon joins the planet hunters who've discovered a new world called Gliese 581 c. It is the most Earth-like planet yet found around another star and may have habitats capable of supporting life. NASA too hopes to find fifty more Earth-like planets by the end of the decade, all of which dramatically increases the chance that alien life has begun elsewhere in the galaxy.
*又名Wolf 562 c 或 HIP 74995 c,2007年4月23日被瑞士日内瓦天文台的Stephane Udry所领导的团队发现,一颗绕行位于天秤座葛利斯581红矮星的太阳系外行星里的“超级地球”,距离地球约20.5光年(193.9万亿千米)。它环绕恒星的轨道恰好处于其行星系的适居地带中,位于此地带行星的地表温度约在摄氏0至40度之间,因此葛利斯581c可能存在液态水。由于液态水是已知型态生命存在的必要因素,所以葛利斯581c有可能有生命存在。它所环绕的恒星葛利斯581,是依照德国天文学家威廉葛利斯(Wilhelm Gliese)制作的星表识别的。“Gliese”读作/?gli?z?/。参考维基百科
Prof Regan's Supermarket Secrets 里根教授大揭超市机密 (暂译)
First broadcast: Tuesday 26th February 2008, 9pm, BBC Two

类别:医疗保健 / 科学
Friendly bacteria, superfoods, cholesterol busting spreads, 99% germ free, whiter than white...it's almost impossible to find a product in the supermarket today that doesn't come with impressive claims...scientific claims...with an inflated price tag to match. Are they oversold? Or are they worth the extra cash?
Prof Lesley Regan has already exploded some of the myths behind beauty products in a previous Horizon. Now she's back, to see if the evidence behind these supermarket products stands up to her levels of scrutiny.
Lesley Regan教授已经在之前的一期《地平线》中*戳穿了不少华丽商品背后的神话般的事。她又来了,来看这些超市商品背后是否有经得起她的复查标准的迹象。
* 该期为2007年3月27日播出的《里根教授的化妆品店》(Prof Regan's Beauty Parlour)本页已提供下载(官网点此)
From organic farm produce to the billion dollar brands of the UK's major manufacturers Prof Regan asks tough questions and gets surprising answers. And there's no sitting on the fence: a product is either 'in' or 'out' of her scientifically backed supermarket trolley.
How to Live to 101 (aka Living to 101) 活到101岁
First broadcast: Tuesday 19th February 2008, 9pm, BBC Two

The quest to live longer has been one of humanities oldest dreams, but while scientists have been searching, a few isolated communities have stumbled across the ans

《BBC 地平线 2008年合集》(BBC Horizon 2008)(科普节目)[3月21日更新9:死尸的价值][TVRip]下载

《BBC 地平线 2008年合集》(BBC Horizon 2008)(科普节目)[3月21日更新9:死尸的价值][TVRip]评论


  • 名称:《BBC 地平线 2008年合集》(BBC Horizon 2008)(科普节目)[3月21日更新9:死尸的价值][TVRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 14:06:05
  • 资源大小:6.34 GB
  • 授权形式:免费