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《街式小轮车视频"DOS"》(bmx video by flybikes 2007)[DVDRip]

软件大小:698.91 MB

Finaly we did the premiere if the "DOS" video in Burgos where we did a little contest and a little demos from the guys from fly and after all we did the waited premiere of the video that included the part of New Zealand and the Trip of the north of Spain.After all this the past saturday we could go out a bit in down town Burgos with all the people that came to the premiere that were a lot.From here we have to say thanks to Naran`s family and to him to for makeing that happend and to all the people from burgos for all the help.Here we ad a few pictures from the event.. we hope they show all the fun we had on the day.We hope you like them!

【杀毒软件】 卡巴斯基反病毒软件
【共享时间】 长期共享

《街式小轮车视频"DOS"》(bmx video by flybikes 2007)[DVDRip]下载

《街式小轮车视频"DOS"》(bmx video by flybikes 2007)[DVDRip]评论


  • 名称:《街式小轮车视频"DOS"》(bmx video by flybikes 2007)[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 16:49:35
  • 资源大小:698.91 MB
  • 授权形式:免费