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《NGC 宝宝的科学》(NGC Science of Babies)[HDTV]

软件大小:1.45 GB
中文名: NGC 宝宝的科学
英文名: NGC Science of Babies
资源格式: HDTV
发行时间: 2007年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

【原 片 名】:NGC Science of Babies
【中 文 名】:NGC 宝宝的科学
【国  家】:美国
【类  型】:科学
【语  言】:英语
【字  幕】:
【片  长】:00:50:21
  在《宝宝的科学》里,奈特吉尔探索了人类个体生命的最初12个月里所能达到的令人惊异的生物力学水平。借助CGI, fMRI和其他工具,观察者可以看到婴儿的肺第一次呼吸的样子,还可以目击心脏呈指数发育,为这不可思议的发展提供动力。也许更令人着迷的是神经发育的方式,这创造了有独特个性和智慧的存在。这部片子探索了婴儿生命里最初的里程碑之后令人称奇的技巧,甚至还把人类的婴儿和其他物种的宝宝做了对比。
  这不仅是一部可供观赏的美丽影片,奈特吉尔还使用了不寻常的技术来讲述这个故事。(喵喵驴驴译,若有错误烦请大家指正。 感谢社区的sueyking朋友提出的修改意见。)
原文:As new parents can attest, children develop so much in the first year of their life it's hard to keep up. From the moment they draw their initial breath - itself an incredibly complicated biological feat - to their first steps, it's a year of remarkable development.
In The Science of Babies, Nat Geo explores the amazing biomechanical benchmarks achieved in the first 12 months of human life. Using CGI, fMRI and other tools, viewers can watch as a baby's lungs draw breath for the first time, and can witness the heart grow exponentially in order to power this incredible developing creature. Perhaps even more fascinating is the manner in which the neurosynapses develop, creating the essence of what will become a new personality and intellect. This film explores the amazing mechanics behind the initial milestones in a human infant's life, and even compares them to babies of other species.
Beyond simply being a beautiful film to watch, the technology that Nat Geo uses to help tell the tale is remarkable.

* Video Codec: XviD MPEG-4 codec
* Video Bitrate: 4005 KB/s
* Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9
* Video Resolution: 1280 x 720
* Audio Codec: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)
* Audio BitRate: 128 KB/s (CBR)
* Audio Channels: 2 Ch
* RunTime: 00:50:21
* Framerate: 25 FPS
* Number Of Parts: 1
* Part Size: 1488.64 MB
* Encoded by: gavin63
* Subtitles: No TV Cap
* Source: HDTV


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  • 名称:《NGC 宝宝的科学》(NGC Science of Babies)[HDTV]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 14:57:59
  • 资源大小:1.45 GB
  • 授权形式:免费