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《爱电影~~非常电影评论~~》(Filmspotting)更新#11-#15 + #199~[MP3!]

软件大小:2.21 GB

本节目05年开播时, 节目是叫Cinecast, 后来由于跟另外一个节目撞名字了, 他们就把名字改为Filmspotting. 现在开始把#140以前的节目都放上来~
Filmspotting是由两个美国人在芝加哥电台主持的影评podcast. 在美国是非常受欢迎的. 本节目从2005年二月就开始, 到今年就已经三年了~~主持是Adam Kempenaar Matty Robinson, Matty是去年年末左右才进来这个节目的, 他代替了Adam之前的拍档--Sam Van Hallgran.( Sam和Matty是大学同学) 两个人主持的节目很轻松, 有趣, 每个星期都会评论不同的电影, 每星期一次节目, 每次节目长约一个小时~ 由于节目面向的是西方听众, 特别是美国自己人, 所以他们的谈话虽然关于电影, 但是也涉及到了很多本土的电影文化知识~ 刚开始接触的时候, 有很多都不知道他们在说什么咧...不过慢慢听多了, 就会有更多了解了.
他们对每部电影的见解都很个人化, 批评嘛~ 有时很中肯, 有时就比较那个...可是还是很值得借鉴的意见~ 而且很多地方都很好笑的~ 哈哈哈~ 是一个很轻松的谈话类节目, 并没有什么很深奥的专业术语, 所以我们这个普通的爱电影人也能比较容易接受~~~ 我真的很喜欢这个节目!! 刚听的时候, 大家也许会觉得他们语速太快, 可是想想看, 这样的节目是百听不厌的哦! 一个小时的节目可以听好几遍咧!!!
现在我稍微介绍一下节目的基本结构~~ 本节目每次都由三或者四部分组成.
第一部分, 就是介绍评论最新出炉的电影, 由于他们都是电影人, 所以都可以提前看到将要上映的电影, 放心~ 他们不会泄漏任何有关电影内容的东西~ 仅仅是给出自己的看法~ 不论他们是喜欢还是不喜欢, 你听了以后都会很想去亲自看看这部电影~ 或者~ 你可以先看了电影再去听他们的评论~ 看看自己的鉴赏力如何~ 哈哈哈~~
第二部份就介绍另外一部电影, 这部就不一定是新鲜出炉的啦~ 有可能是以前的电影, 但是绝对是他们觉得有兴趣的电影~还会在中间介绍一些新出的DVD, 当然是针对美国本土的...还会问一些poll question, 让听众投票等等
第三部份, 就是一个叫Massacre Theatre 的小节目~ 呵呵~ 他们两个会再现某一部电影中的某场景, 都是那部电影中的某段对话, 听众们听了以后呢(一般都只有美国人自己知道是什么...我听了这么久都没猜中一个.....T_T)....听众就会发Email送去自己的答案, 第二周的节目中, 他们就会抽出某位答对了的幸运听众! 然后就送出奖品~ 奖品是你喜欢的DVD~ 哈哈哈哈~ 很有吸引力啊!!! 可惜.....我不在美国.......哎....
好~ 最后一部分了~ 一般呢这里就是一个排名的东东~ 是Top 5的, 至于具体排名的内容, 每期都不一样~~ 比如, Top 5 Movies About Ambition, Top 5 "Friendship" Movies, 比如现在是08年啦~ 他们就会弄一个Top 5 Most Anticipated Movies in 2008~ 到春夏电影大量出来的时候, 他们又会弄Top 5 Most Anticipated Spring Movies.等等等等 ~ 多得不得了~!! 让你那个心动啊.... 每次的Top 5, 他们都会每个人弄一个, 然后各自说明为什么自己选这部戏, 为什么把这部放在第二或者第几...等等~ 有时呢~ 他们会集中介绍一个导演的作品~例如去年差不多年末时, 伟大的Ingmar Bergman 伯格曼导演去世了, 他们两个就开始了一个Marathon, 每星期介绍一个他们认为最经典的伯格曼电影~ 例如Wild Strawberriess 野草莓, The Seventh Seal等等...
好了~ 具体的介绍就是这样~ 希望大家喜欢!!! 我第一次发资源, 这真的是我自己非常非常喜欢的东西~ 希望大家能多多支持~~~~ 啊对了, 因为我是去年才开始听, 发的就从第146集开始, 如果大家喜欢 我会去把再以前的找来, 发给大家听~~还有哦~~ 如果大家听到他们两个人在那里说一大堆他们怎么怎么不喜欢这个演员~ 大家一定不要生气就再也不听了.....因为他们这些真的很personal的意见~大家宽宏大量一点哦~~~呵呵呵呵~~
如果听的时候听到感兴趣的内容~ 就可以上The Internet Movie Database(IMDb)去查找~~
接下来是每集的内容, 由于上面的题目不完整, 我放在这里了:
Cinecast #1: Uncool
Mar 6: In our debut podcast, Sam and I count Cedric the Entertainer and The Rock among the few bright spots in "Be Cool," the disappointing follow-up to 1995's great "Get Shorty." John Travolta reprises his role as Chili Palmer, a loan shark turned movie producer turned music producer, and once again owns the role. But the film's crude humor and inane plot, combined with F. Gary Gray's inept direction, overshadow any of the talent on display. Plus, we discuss last weekend's Oscar winners and -- in honor of "Get Shorty" -- run down our Top 5 Movies About Movies.
Cinecast #2: Mo Money, Mo Problems
Mar 12: In our second podcast, Sam and I review Danny Boyle's sentimental new film "Millions" (opens in Chicago 3/18), about two precocious British lads who learn that money can't buy happiness after a bag full of cash falls from the sky and lands at their feet. The film features a standout performance from its young star Alex Etel, but crumbles in the last 20 minutes under the weight of its trite message. Plus, Sam lies to an Oscar winning screenwriter and we count down our lists of the top 5 movies we're embarrassed to admit we've never seen.
Cinecast #3: Samara Always Rings Twice
Mar 20: In our third podcast, we review "The Ring Two," Hideo Nakata's punishing allegory about motherly love and child abandonment. The original "Ring" at least had an intriguing storyline; the sequel just has Naomi Watts and David Dorfman delivering another effectively creepy performance as her son. Plus, we consider the critical response to Danny Boyle's "Millions" and reveal our definitive lists of the Top 5 Sequels and Top 5 Most Disappointing Sequels ever made.
Cinecast #4: Woody & Woody
Mar 29: This week on Cinecast, a review of Woody Allen's latest "Melinda & Melinda." The film, Allen's 34th as writer and director, is a narrative experiment that tries to resolve an age-old debate: is life comic or tragic? Allen doesn't really come up with any answers, but there is a refreshing intellectual energy to the movie that should please fans of his older -- better -- films. All that, plus this week's Top 5 -- our lists of the best Woody Allen movies of all-time.
We had promised an interview with Allen "expert" Gerald Sim from the University of Iowa, but due to some audio issues -- (hey, it was our first stab with the phone tap) -- we weren't able to include it in the podcast. Please look for a transcript of the interview here later this week. Our thanks and apologies to Gerald.
Cinecast #5: Sin & Roses
Apr 2: This week on Cinecast, your unflappable hosts nearly come to blows during a heated discussion of the new Robert Rodriguez film "Sin City." Is the film a bold new entry in the comic book adaptation sweepstakes or a chauvinist exercise in cinematic nihilism? Also, a review of "The Ballad of Jack and Rose," the new film from director and screenwriter Rebecca Miller. All that, plus this week's Top 5 -- our favorite visually stunning films of all-time.
Cinecast #6: Fan Unfriendly

《爱电影~~非常电影评论~~》(Filmspotting)更新#11-#15 + #199~[MP3!]下载

《爱电影~~非常电影评论~~》(Filmspotting)更新#11-#15 + #199~[MP3!]评论


  • 名称:《爱电影~~非常电影评论~~》(Filmspotting)更新#11-#15 + #199~[MP3!]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 14:26:08
  • 资源大小:2.21 GB
  • 授权形式:免费