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原声大碟 -《篱笆墙外》(Over The Hedge)[MP3!]

软件大小:71.41 MB
专辑中文名: 篱笆墙外
专辑英文名: Over The Hedge
别名: Over The Hedge [SOUNDTRACK]
艺术家: 原声大碟
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2006年05月16日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

导 演:蒂姆约翰逊 Tim Johnson
配 音:布鲁斯威利斯 Bruce Willis
    威廉夏纳 Garry Shandling
    史提夫卡尔 Steve Carell
    艾薇儿 Avril Lavigne
类 型:动画/喜剧/家庭
片 长:96分钟
  春天来临,万物复苏。刚在冬天里睡了一个长觉的动物们惊奇地发现,在它们的林地里多了一道漫无尽头的绿色篱笆。在这堵“墙”后面,一片人类的生活小区正拔地而起。面对这一新生事物,动物们惶恐不安,不知是福是祸。 领袖老龟Verne建议大家远离篱笆以免不测,而新来的浣熊则把人类世界鼓吹成乐园,那儿的银桶(垃圾桶)里不仅有取之不尽的食物,而且不用冒任何危险。然而当动物们开始频繁在这个人类社区中亮相时,麻烦随之而来,它们不仅要对付专业的动物捕手,还要面临恶熊的威胁。
官 网:http://www.overthehedgemovie.com/
from Amazon.com
The best thing about this soundtrack can be summed up in two words: Ben Folds. His contributions (written to match the film, instead of just being plopped down there by marketing execs) are among his best work, and based on this alone his fans--and all lovers of melodic pop--should get this CD. Folds starts things off on a high point with "Family of Me," which sounds like a cross between Brian Wilson and ELO. Alas, it also lasts only a minute and a half: Couldn't we have had an extended version for the CD, especially since the lovely ballad "Still" gets a reprise that lasts longer and builds up to a grandiose finish? The third new track written, performed, and produced for the album by Folds is the upbeat, super-catchy "Heist." Folds also contributes a peppy, kid-friendly cover of the Clash's "Lost in the Supermarket" (already one of that band's most accessible early offerings) and a new take on his own "Rockin' the Suburbs" with new lyrics and a special guest rant by William Shatner. The balance of the tracks is made up of Rupert Gregson-Williams's agreeable score (check out "Let's Call It Steve" for an unwitting tribute to Danny Elfman). --Elisabeth Vincentelli
1. Family Of Me Ben Folds
2. RJ Enters The Cave Rupert Gregson-Williams
3. The Family Awakes - Rupert Gregson-Williams
4. Heist Ben Folds
5. Lost In The Supermarket Ben Folds
6. Lets Call It Steve - Rupert Gregson-Williams
7. Hammy Time - Rupert Gregson-Williams
8. Still Ben Folds
9. Play? - Rupert Gregson-Williams
10. Rockin’ The Suburbs (Over The Hedge Version) Ben Folds featuring William Shatner
11. The Inside Heist - Rupert Gregson-Williams
12. RJ Rescues His Family - Rupert Gregson-Williams
13. Still (Reprise) Ben Folds

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  • 名称:原声大碟 -《篱笆墙外》(Over The Hedge)[MP3!]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 13:56:05
  • 资源大小:71.41 MB
  • 授权形式:免费