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Cristina Branco -《Ulisses》[OGG]

软件大小:60.75 MB

风格:* Fado * Neo-Traditional
来源:CD (编号 0602498208984)
技术参数:格式 ogg vorbis,编码器 aoTuV b4.51,质量 q6
FADO属于葡萄牙的民族音乐,又叫欧洲蓝调,曲风都是很忧伤哀婉的,其基本表现形式与Flamenco类似,人声与吉他的搭配,同样是十九世纪开始在都会区的餐馆中逐渐茁壮,Fado之意和英语的「Fate」(命运) 相同,因此歌词充满了悲剧性的宿命观,曲风也偏向哀怨伤感,晚近的Fado则受了流行音乐的影响,在乐器编制上加入小提琴、大提琴、手风琴、钢琴甚至弦乐四重奏的音色,情感诉求也有显着的改变。
出生於1972年的克莉丝提娜布兰柯(Cristina Branco)是目前葡萄牙境内最炙手可热的女歌手,从小就对各式音乐感到兴趣,举凡是流行、民谣或爵士,都是她涉及的领域,但她钟爱的还是来自家乡的「Fado」。
First-time listeners to this Portuguese chanteuse may become so instantly infatuated with her beautiful, expressive voice and the plucky native guitar of Custódio Castelo that they may not truly care about the fado music traditions the two are carrying on via this enchanting collection. One could simply enjoy the impressionistic English translations of these Portuguese songs, punctuated sweetly and appropriately by an English-language rendering of Joni Mitchell's unabashedly romantic "A Case of You." But for those who want to understand the essence of Branco's artistry, it's interesting to note that her mission is to take fado out of its traditional mode of suffering, melancholy, and impotence and breathe new life into the genre with more hopeful interpretations. Composer and guitarist Castelo helps her realize her vision by artfully combining classics and originals to fit the beautiful tonality of her voice. His melodies tap the memory of the fado but transcend the fatalistic and head boldly into more lighthearted territory. Beyond such definitions, it's simply beautiful to listen to. -- by Jonathan Widran
1. Sonhei Que Estava Em Portugal/Anda Luzia
2. Alfonsina Y El Mar
3. Sete Pedacos De Vento
4. Redondo Vocabulo
5. A Case Of You
6. Navio Triste
7. Oh! Como Se Me Alonga De Ano Em Ano
8. Choro (Ai Barco Que Me Levasse)
9. Liberté
10. Cristal (Tinha Algum Vinho Ainda)
11. Porque Me Olhas Assim
12. E Por Vezes
13. Circe (Meu Amor Corre-Meo Corpo)
14. Gaivota
15. Fundos

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  • 名称:Cristina Branco -《Ulisses》[OGG]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 13:33:17
  • 资源大小:60.75 MB
  • 授权形式:免费