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《艺术家的表情完全指南丛书》(The Artist's Complete Guide To Facial Expressions)

软件大小:93.32 MB
中文名: 艺术家的表情完全指南丛书
原名: The Artist's Complete Guide To Facial Expressions
版本: [PDF]
地区: 美国

* 产品详情:
* 定价: $35.00
* 精装: 256页
* 出版: Watson-Guptill Publications (November 1990)
* 语言: 英文
* 生产: 11.3 x 8.7 x 1.1 英寸
* 书号: 0823016285
* 书中描述:
This book contains detailed information on how to draw all the structures of the face and helps the reader to develop the ability not just to draw various facial expressions, but to understand the physiological occurrences that create different expressions. As any student of life drawing or anatomy knows, it's good to know what the engine underneath the hood is doing to get the exterior right!
The author painstaking guides you through the process of drawing the major facial features, starting simply with the gross structures and paring down to a high level of detail.
This book is a valuable addition to my collection of illustration books and I would recommend it to any illustrator, would-be illustrator, or casual artist who wants to develop her or his skills.
* 关键字句:
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《艺术家的表情完全指南丛书》(The Artist's Complete Guide To Facial Expressions)下载

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  • 名称:《艺术家的表情完全指南丛书》(The Artist's Complete Guide To Facial Expressions)
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 11:39:39
  • 资源大小:93.32 MB
  • 授权形式:免费