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《活死人系列 - 生人回避3》(Return of the Living Dead 3)xvid.思路.[HDTV-RE]

软件大小:4.24 GB

She's to die for.,
Reviewer: Review-Warrior (New Zealand)
This unique sequel finds two teenage-lovers Curt and Julie looking for a thrill, and they find it in a secret Government research lab where Curt's Dad works. There, they learn the chilling factor that the dead can remain living with the help of a chemical called '2-4-5 Trioxin.' Curt horrified, Julie amazed, both flee to Curts house to chill out. When Curts' father returns home they both get in an argument that causes Curt and Julie to escape on Curts' motorcycle. Unfortunately for Julie, there is a motorcycle accident and Julie is killed. Curt, afraid to live without her, revives her with the chemical Trioxin. But Julie isn't the same as she use to be, she feels different and very, very hungry. In a murderous accident Julie soon learns that only the taste of brains will norish her. Curt disgusted at what he sees begins to regret his actions. But then Julie learns that the pain helps, pain makes the hunger go away. With a Mexican gang on thier tails, the teenagers escape and find a new friend called 'River-Man.' As Julies' urges for brains grow stronger, she goes to drastic measures and does some serious decorating on her own body using metal, glass, chains and more to create enough pain to sustain her.
With her urges growing stronger to attack Curt, Julie must under-go a painful transformation, if she ever hopes to leave Curts' brains in his head where they belong.
I really enjoyed this movie, I found it as good as the first and way better then the horrible Part 2. The plot-line had a good speed, it didn't drag nor rush into things. The acting by Curt and Julie is fantastic and 'The new Julie' looks very cool and gross. If you're a gore hound then I highly recommend this movie. If you want more gore, there is an uncut version located on the UK Amazon site, hyperlink at the bottom of the page. The uncut version is well worth buying, but I recommend you make sure your DVD player is multi-region first.

《活死人系列 - 生人回避3》(Return of the Living Dead 3)xvid.思路.[HDTV-RE]下载

《活死人系列 - 生人回避3》(Return of the Living Dead 3)xvid.思路.[HDTV-RE]评论


  • 名称:《活死人系列 - 生人回避3》(Return of the Living Dead 3)xvid.思路.[HDTV-RE]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 11:47:31
  • 资源大小:4.24 GB
  • 授权形式:免费