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《亡灵召唤》(A Dead Calling)[DVDRip]

软件大小:704.61 MB

【原 片 名】A Dead Calling
【MPAA级别】R 级
【IMDB评分】5.8/10 (12 votes)
【国  家】美国
【类  别】恐怖
【导  演】Michael Feifer
【主  演】Kyle Silverstein .... Joseph Sullivan
      rest of cast listed alphabetically:
      Stan Bly .... Superior Detective
      John Burke .... Stephen Javitz   
      Caia Coley .... Mrs. Sullivan
      Micah Costanza .... Deputy Murken
【文件大小】1CD 49×15MB
视频尺寸】608 x 336
When a supernatural force causes Elizabeth, a young story editor for the local paper, to investigate an old house, she finds herself to be the only hope for a family of long dead ghosts yearning to tell the story of their massacre. But when the father of the family, who is still living, hears about her visits, he takes precautions to make sure that the truth is never told. Soon, though, Elizabeth will find out that her connection is much more meaningful than she ever thought.

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  • 名称:《亡灵召唤》(A Dead Calling)[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 21:01:32
  • 资源大小:704.61 MB
  • 授权形式:免费