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软件大小:719.98 MB

【原 片 名】Ultranova
【中 文 名】超新星
【出品公司】Prime Time
【首映日期】2005年4月27日 比利时
【MPAA级别】UK:12A / Netherlands:AL / Germany:o.Al.
【IMDB评分】6.3/10 (125 votes)
【国  家】法国
【类  别】剧情
【导  演】Bouli Lanners
【主  演】Micha?l Abiteboul ..... Phil
      Vincent Belorgey ..... Verbrugghe
      Vincent Lecuyer ..... Dimitri
【文件格式】XviD + MP3
【文件大小】1CD 50x15MB
视频尺寸】640 x 272
【影片长度】97 Mins
  People who like fascinating storytelling may be disappointed with this film. However, its strength lies not in the story but in its way of conveying certain feelings and moods. Themes like existence and.. well.. the meaning of life I guess are highlighted through the cinematography/art direction (e.g. landscapes of heavy Belgian industry in metal blue and grey and green colours) and the soundtrack (cool minimalistic electronic beats) instead of words. At the premiere in Berlin director and actors received standing ovations and prolonged cheering in Kino International. I think it deserved a prize for art direction at least




  • 名称:《超新星》(Ultranova)[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 11:44:21
  • 资源大小:719.98 MB
  • 授权形式:免费