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《光影流情》(The Kid Stays In the Picture)[DVDRip]

软件大小:696.12 MB

◎译  名 光影流情
◎片  名 The Kid Stays In the Picture
◎年  代 2002
◎国  家 美国
◎类  别 纪录片
◎语  言 英语
◎字  幕 N/A
◎IMDB评分 7.4/10 (2,418 votes)
◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0303353/
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
视频尺寸 544 x 320
◎文件大小 com.avi
◎片  长 01:33:34
◎导  演 Nanette Burstein
Brett Morgen
◎主  演 Robert Evans .....Himself - Narrator (also archive footage)
      埃迪艾伯特 Eddie Albert .....Himself (archive footage)
      William Castle .....Himself (archive footage) (as Bill Castle)
      弗朗西斯福特科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola .....Himself (archive footage)
      凯瑟琳德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve .....Herself - Golden Globe Awards (archive footage)
      Josh Evans .....Himself - Robert's son (archive footage) (as Joshua Evans)
      埃尔罗弗林 Errol Flynn .....Himself (archive footage)
      艾娃加德纳 Ava Gardner .....Herself (archive footage)
      厄纳斯特海明威 Ernest Hemingway .....Himself (archive footage)
      Henry Kissinger .....Himself (archive footage)
      杰克尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson .....Himself (archive footage)
      泰隆鲍华 Tyrone Power .....Himself (archive footage)
      Roy Radin .....Himself - Murdered acquaintance of Evans (archive footage)
      Irving Thalberg .....Himself (archive footage)
      Darryl F. Zanuck .....Himself (archive footage)
      Steve Allen .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      Carol Burnett .....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      卡罗尔钱宁 Carol Channing .....Herself - Golden Globe Awards (archive footage) (uncredited)
      詹姆斯柯本 James Coburn .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      Angie Dickinson .....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      Peter Falk .....Himself - Golden Globe Awards (archive footage) (uncredited)
      理查基尔 Richard Gere .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      吉恩哈克曼 Gene Hackman .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      Bob Hope .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      保罗纽曼 Paul Newman .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      理查德尼克松 Richard Nixon .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      弗兰克辛纳特拉 Frank Sinatra .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      凯瑟琳特纳 Kathleen Turner .....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      拉蔻儿薇芝 Raquel Welch .....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)
      理查德威德马克 Richard Widmark .....Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
◎简  介 
监制过《教父》、《唐人街》等多部传奇大片,有金童子之称的罗拔.伊云斯(Robert Evans),本身也是个好莱坞传奇。因俊朗非凡被女星在比华利山的泳池派对中看上,三十四岁全无经验却当上派拉蒙的制作部总管。八十年代时却神话破败:失婚、毒瘾迫他一度人间蒸发。九一年却奇迹般重投影圈,九四年出版自传震撼好莱坞。好友包括基辛格、积尼高逊、华伦比提,亲密女友是雅丽麦格罗等绝色佳人。本片改编自他的自传,透过旧片、实录片段片与伊云斯的旁白自述,重整他耐人寻味真伪难分却引人入胜的一生。内幕丰富,趣味爆棚.
华纳2002的影片,2003年刚刚发行DVD,获得奥斯卡最佳记录片、美国广播影评协会奖和第45届格莱美奖,磨码一区DECSS,英语DD5.1,可变1.85:1,字幕很好。本片的主人翁罗伯特艾文斯(Robert Evans),是好莱坞上个世纪六、七十年代的传奇人物。三十四岁全无经验,却凭一张俊脸和绝顶交际手腕,当上派拉蒙电影公司的制作部总裁。之后他监制过《爱情故事》、《教父》和《唐人街》等经典巨制,改变了上世纪七十年代整个好莱坞的电影潮流。

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  • 名称:《光影流情》(The Kid Stays In the Picture)[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 15:57:43
  • 资源大小:696.12 MB
  • 授权形式:免费