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《有声书 无辜者-谋杀与不公的小镇 John Grisham著》(audio book--The Innocent Man

软件大小:348.35 MB
中文名: 有声书 无辜者-谋杀与不公的小镇 John Grisham著
英文名: audio book--The Innocent Man
别名: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town
资源格式: MP3
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

该书描述John Grisham与无辜男子一个真实的故事:谋杀、不公正的一个小镇(一说,倒像自己畅销小说)。


General Information
Title: The Innocent Man
Author: John Grisham
Read By: Craig Wasson
Copyright: 2006
Audiobook Copyright: 2006
Genre: Non Fiction
Publisher: Random House Audio
Abridged: No
Original Media Information
Media: CD
Number: 10
Condition: New
File Information
Number of MP3s: 182
Total Duration: 12:26:08
Total MP3 Size: 343.64
Ripped By: JT
Ripped With: EAC
Encoded With: LAME 3.97
Encoded At: CBR 64 kbit/s 44100 Hz Mono
ID3 Tags: Set, v2.3

20 Second Interview: A Few Words with John Grisham

Q: After almost two decades of writing fiction, what compelled you to write non-fiction, particularly investigative journalism?
A: I was never tempted to write non-fiction, primarily because it's too much work. However, obviously, I love a good legal thriller, and the story of Ron Williamson has all the elements of a great suspenseful story.
Q: Why this case?
A: Ron Williamson and I are about the same age and we both grew up in small towns in the south. We both dreamed of being major league baseball players. Ron had the talent, I did not. When he left a small town in 1971 to pursue his dreams of major league glory, many thought he would be the next Mickey Mantle, the next great one from the state of Oklahoma. The story of Ron ending up on Death Row and almost being executed for a murder he did not commit was simply too good to pass up.
Q: How did you go about your research?
A: I started with his family. Ron is survived by two sisters who took care of him for most of his life. They gave me complete access to the family records, photographs, Ron's mental health records, and so on. There was also a truckload of trial transcripts, depositions, appeals, etc., that took about 18 months to organize and review. Many of the characters in the story are still alive and I traveled to Oklahoma countless times to interview them.
Q: Did your training as a lawyer help you?
A: Very much so. It enabled me to understand the legal issues involved in Ron's trial and his appeals. It also allowed me, as it always does, to be able to speak the language with lawyers and judges.
Q: Throughout your book you mention, The Dreams of Ada: A True Story of Murder, Obsession, and a Small Town. How did you come across that book, and how did it impact your writing The Innocent Man?
A: Several of the people in Oklahoma I met mentioned The Dreams of Ada to me, and I read it early on in the process. It is an astounding book, a great example of true crime writing, and I relied upon it heavily during my research. Robert Mayer, the author, was completely cooperative, and kept meticulous notes from his research 20 years earlier. Many of the same characters are involved in his story and mine.
Q: You take on some pretty controversial and heated topics in your book--the death penalty, prisoner’s rights, DNA analysis, police conduct, and more--were any of your own beliefs challenged by this story and its outcome?
A: None were challenged, but my eyes were open to the world of wrongful convictions. Even as a former criminal defense attorney, I had never spent much time worrying about wrongful convictions. But, unfortunately, they happen all the time in this country, and with increasing frequency.
Q: So many of the key players in this case are either still in office or practicing attorneys. Many family members and friends still live in the same small town. How do you think The Innocent Man will impact this community and other small rural towns as they struggle with the realities of the justice system?
A: Exonerations seem to be happening weekly. And with each one of them, the question is asked--how can an innocent man be convicted and kept in prison for 20 years? My book is the story of only one man, but it is a good example of how things can go terribly wrong with our judicial system. I have no idea how the book will be received in the small town of Ada, Oklahoma, or any other town.
Q: What do you hope your readers will take away from The Innocent Man?
A: A better understanding of how innocent people can be convicted, and a greater concern for the need to reimburse and rehabilitate innocent men after they have been released.

【杀毒软件】 卡巴斯基
【常驻侍服】 DonkeyServer No1/DonkeyServer No2
【供享时间】 2006.11.20起所有资源不定时,长期
【特别注明】 此资源来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,如若喜欢请购买正版。

《有声书 无辜者-谋杀与不公的小镇 John Grisham著》(audio book--The Innocent Man下载

《有声书 无辜者-谋杀与不公的小镇 John Grisham著》(audio book--The Innocent Man评论


  • 名称:《有声书 无辜者-谋杀与不公的小镇 John Grisham著》(audio book--The Innocent Man
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 21:02:11
  • 资源大小:348.35 MB
  • 授权形式:免费