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《后期教程》(cmiVFX Digital Fusion: Advanced Keying )英文

软件大小:236.88 MB
中文名: 后期教程
英文名: cmiVFX Digital Fusion: Advanced Keying
版本: 英文
发行时间: 2006年

分类: CG教程
文件大小: 236M
适用平台: 所有平台
cmiVFX Digital Fusion: Advanced Keying (后期教程):
本教学DVD不仅可以提升你在合成方面更进阶的技术,亦适用于新手或是由其他软件转用FUSION 的使用者!本教程将学习真实世界中的后期绿/蓝屏技术,设计逼真的关键帧合成技术.高级应用.教程时长一个小时左右!

Digital Fusion Advanced Compositing and Keying
In this DVD you will learn real world techniques for green/blue screen removal, edge concealment and set design. All of the project files are available on the DVD-Rom for you to follow along.This is not just a tutorial in navigating the specifics of dialogue boxes of filters. It is an approach to understanding the fundamental problems that may exist with your footage and industry proven techniques to solving them.This DVD is geared towards professionals with experience using standard keying techniques. We show you how to take those low level concepts and turn them into extremely accurate keys at even Digital Video quality levels! Concepts such as color space, interlacing, edge matting, advanced garbage matting are just a few of the MANY concepts on this DVD.
This DVD is in both Standard DVD format and in High Definition for computer users. High Definition specifications are at 720p, and the DVD format is in standard NTSC. This disc will be able to be viewed by just about any user on any DVD platform.This DVD is a must for any compositor.. even if they don't use Fusion. -cmiVFX
共享服务器:DonkeyServer No1-3 . DonkeyServer No5

《后期教程》(cmiVFX Digital Fusion: Advanced Keying )英文下载

《后期教程》(cmiVFX Digital Fusion: Advanced Keying )英文评论


  • 名称:《后期教程》(cmiVFX Digital Fusion: Advanced Keying )英文
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 13:21:26
  • 资源大小:236.88 MB
  • 授权形式:免费