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《加勒比海盗:杰克·斯派洛传奇》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Legend of Jack Sparrow

软件大小:459.10 MB
中文名称: 加勒比海盗:杰克斯派洛传奇
英文名称: Pirates of the Caribbean: Legend of Jack Sparrow
版本: 硬盘版
发行时间: 2006年
制作发行: Bethesda Softworks
地区: 美国

这种RIP版的经常有人不会安装, 所以不熟悉的和以前没有成功安装的请去下载光盘版,否则下了不会安装的本人不负责给出安装教程,两个连接都是这个游戏的硬盘版, 不过第2和3个应该更好,建议大家下第2或3个,第一个就不要下载了,根据以往的经验第2和3个制作小组比第一个要好的多, 两个NFO, 一个连接对应一个
开发:7 Studios
发行:Bethesda Softworks
类型:Action / Adventure
《Pirates of the Caribbean: Legend of Jack Sparrow》是一款动作RPG游戏,发行PC、PS2和Xbox三个版本,海盗、走私、探宝、比剑、抢劫等游戏元素在本作中同样表现得淋漓尽致。在本作中,Jack Sparrow是个狂妄自大但魅力十足的人物,玩家将伴随着这个角色体验到相当丰富的游戏感受。本作的关卡众多,场景多样,比如着火的建筑、废船和山洞等等。多数时侯,玩家将挥舞长剑与敌展开英勇斗争。同时,你还要躲避海军对你的追捕。随着游戏的深入,你还将学到不少打斗技能。

Pirates of the Caribbean:
° The Legend of Jack Sparrow (c) Bethesda Softworks

Supplied by...: STORM Release-Date..: 07/06
Protection....: - Game type.....: Adventure
Cracked by....: - Language......: English
Ripped by.....: STORM Disks.........: 30


Whats not to love about Captain Jack Sparrow?
Play as Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, and Elizabeth Swann
as you hack and slash your way through fully interactive
environments, including burning buildings, wrecked ships,
and misty moonlit caves. One minute you are fighting hordes
of enemies and the next youre evading capture by the Royal Navy.

RIPPED: * Music
* Some Voice (game has subtitles)
* Movies and some cutscenes

Expect addons.

NOTES: Retarded nukers will be hit by lightning.
According to the latest rip rules,
the disk limit is: 55 disks.


1. Unzip
2. Unrar
3. Run setup.bat
4. Play using PiratesLoJS.exe
(go to options and put subtitles ON)



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Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Legend Of Jack Sparrow *PROPER*

Date.........: 2006-07-07 Files........: 16 x 5.00
Company......: Bethesda Softworks Language.....: English
Requirements.: PC
\ _________/
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\_ | \
:\____| g >:
::::::\_____/::' Game Notes

What's not to love about Captain Jack Sparrow? Play as Jack Sparrow, Will
Turner, and Elizabeth Swann as you hack and slash your way through fully
interactive environments, including burning buildings, wrecked ships, and
misty moonlit caves. One minute you are fighting hordes of enemies and the
next you're evading capture by the Royal Navy.
* Join Captain Jack Sparrow as he recounts his most thrilling adventures.
Did he really sack Nassau Port without firing a shot or ride away from a
deserted isle on the backs of sea turtles? Now you'll find out, firsthand!
* Co-op multiplayer
Take on the challenge with a friend and play side-by-side as Jack Sparrow,
Will Turner, or Elizabeth Swann.
* Secret treasures
Hidden passages, special coins, and other secrets await! Discover gold
and treasure to purchase upgrades for advanced moves and special
* Unlockable weapons and combos
Throughout your adventure you'll be rewarded with new swords that allow
more advanced combos to defeat a wide range of deadly foes.
URL: http://pirates.bethsoft.com
RIPPED: Music, Movies, Voice (subtitles avaible)
NOTE: Our gamerip is 14 discs smaller than the one by STORM:
We included 100% the same content in our rip, this makes it a valid

STORM: Instead of flaming against the nukers in your latest nfo, better
take a look at your own nukes first (5 gamerips = 5 nukes):

NUKE: 061006 BlitzKrieg.Mission.Kursk.Addon-STORM
- reason: 061206 BlitzKrieg_Mission_Kursk_Addon_PROPER-VACE
NUKE: 061106 Wings.Over.Europe.Cold.War.Gone.Hot-STORM
- reason: 061106 Wings.Over.Europe.Cold.War.Gone.Hot.WORKING-FAS
NUKE: 061106 Wings.Over.Europe.Cold.War.Gone.Hot.Crackfix-STORM
- reason: too late (dupe)
NUKE: 062406 Crown.Of.Glory.Europe.In.The.Age.Of.Napoleon-STORM
- reason: 062405 Crown.Of.Glory-MYTH +
080805 Crown_of_Glory_Europe_in_the_Age_of_Napoleon_v1.10h_Patch_RIP-TNT
NUKE: 062406 Crown.Of.Glory.Europe.In.The.Age.Of.Napoleon.Music.Addon-STORM
- reason: addon for nuke
NUKE: 063006 Legion.Arena.Cult.Of.Mithras.Standalone-STORM
- reason: 063006 Legion_Arena_Cult_of_Mithras_Standalone_PROPER-iRRM
NUKE: 070706 Pirates.Of.The.Caribbean.The.Legend.Of.Jack.Sparrow-STORM
- reason: 070706 Pirates.Of.The.Caribbean.The.Legend.Of.Jack.Sparrow.PROPER-FAS
__/ _/
\_ \
:\____ i >:
::::::\_____/::' Installation Notes

1. Unzip and unrar with WinRAR 3.x into a dir of your choice.
2. Start 'setup.bat' to extract gamefiles.
3. Run the game with 'PiratesLoJS.exe'.
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:\____| g >:
::::::\_____/::' Group News

We bring you games that other groups do not do. We are different, like us
or hate us.
EMail: [email protected]
IRC : nope
WWW : nope
\ _________/
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:\____| g >:
::::::\_____/::' Greetings

iND - oCN - PWZ - TNT

If you enjoy this game, please buy it! Developers deserve your support!

《加勒比海盗:杰克·斯派洛传奇》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Legend of Jack Sparrow下载

《加勒比海盗:杰克·斯派洛传奇》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Legend of Jack Sparrow评论


  • 名称:《加勒比海盗:杰克·斯派洛传奇》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Legend of Jack Sparrow
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 13:38:09
  • 资源大小:459.10 MB
  • 授权形式:免费