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原声大碟 -《星之海洋与北欧女神精选集》(Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile Sound Track&#

软件大小:194.79 MB
专辑中文名: 星之海洋与北欧女神精选集
专辑英文名: Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile Sound Track The Best
艺术家: 原声大碟
资源格式: MP3
版本: [VBR]
发行时间: 2003年
地区: 日本
语言: 日语

初次是出现在SFC平台上 是仅有的几个48M大容量游戏之一 特有的游戏系统也使这款游戏成为RPG游戏的一大力作 在配音方面也使用了不少出名的声优
续集发布在PS平台上 舞台则变成外太空 同样是受到好评的一代
最近的3代则发布在PS2平台 星海传说这一系列的游戏总是离不开星际旅行,总是让人联想到太空、未来、外星种族、未知的星系、不同的宇宙联盟间的战斗等字眼。而在这款《星之海洋III:直到时间的尽头》(Star Ocean 3 Till the End of Time)中,你将扮演拥有某种神秘的特殊能力的年轻地球人类 Fayt Leingod ,展开星际间的冒险。
《女神战记》是由 TRI-ACE 制作,1999 年由 ENIX 发行,以北欧神话为背景,具备优美的画面与人物设定、独特故事剧情与实时动作要素的角色扮演游戏,推出后获得许多玩家的热爱,人气至今未衰。在沉寂了六年之后,SQUARE ENIX 终于再度展开了《女神战记》的制作计划,发表将于 PS2 续篇作品《女神战记 2 :希尔梅莉亚》。游戏将继承前作丰富动人的剧情,并透过 PS2 来呈现更为华丽的游戏画面,而在前作大获好评的实时战斗系统,在本代中也将会有崭新的发挥。

商品名 :スタオシャン&ヴァルキリプロファイル サウンドトラック ザベスト
规 格 :2枚组63曲
价 格 :税前¥3,200
编 号 :KDSD-00008-9
发行商 :株式会社ティムエンタテインメント
销售商 :株式会社ソニミュジックディストリビュション
发售日 :2003年07月02日
作编曲 :庭统
1.The incarnation of devil / SO2
2.One Challenge / SO
3.Silent the universe / SO2
4.Confidence in the domination / VP
5.An Ideal / SO
6.Sail Against the Wind / SO3
7.Theme of RENA / SO2
8.For Achieve / SO
9.Integral body and imperfect soul / SO2
10.Mission to the Empty Space / SO3
11.Behave irrationally / VP
12.全ては黄昏となりて / VP
13.Starless Wavelets / SO3
14.Manifestation / SO3
15.New World / SO
16.The true nature of all / VP
17.心の小片 / VP
18.Demand / SO
19.The neverending cycle of reincarnation / VP
20.Field of Exper / SO2
21.Till the End of Time / SO3
22.Reunion / SO
23.The venerable forest / SO2
24.Resolution / SO2
25.未确认神シンドロム / VP
26.奈落の底にある歪曲 / VP
27.Pure a stream / SO2
28.天空の扉 / VP
29.The Divine Spirit of Language / SO3
30.Brass Wings / SO3
31.Highbrow / SO3
1.圣なる死への叙事诗 / VP
2.幸せに、なれますように。 / VP
3.The Desolte Smell of Earth / SO3
4.The Strong / SO
5.KA. MI. KA. ZE / SO2
6.Tangency / SO2
7.Turn over a new leaf / VP
8.Fly Away in the Violet sky / SO3
9.We form in crystals / SO2
10.Calm time / SO
11.The first unison / VP
12.An illusion of the brainstem / VP
13.Field of Nede / SO2
14.Divine Indignation / SO3
15.Stab the sword of justice / SO2
16.Mission to the deep space / SO2
17.Relief / SO
18.So Alone, Be Sorrow / SO3
19.Cutting Edge of Notion / SO3
20.Tense Atmosphere / SO
21.Beast of prey / SO2
22.不なる地へ / VP
23.The Dawn of Wisdom / SO3
24.Hand to Hand / SOBS
25.Myth of Fate / SOBS
26.No Mercy / SOBS
27.Death is a Great Leveller / SOBS
28.Civilization Keeper / SOBS
29.Legacy from the Past / SOBS
30.Pacifism / SOBS
31.Peace of Mind / SOBS

Disc.1 (1:12:20)
1. The incarnation of devil (Star Ocean The Second Story)
2. One Challenge (STAR OCEAN)
3. Silent the universe (Star Ocean The Second Story)
4. Confidence in the domination (Valkyrie Profile)
5. An Ideal (STAR OCEAN)
6. Sail Against the Wind (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
7. Theme of RENA (Star Ocean The Second Story)
8. For Achieve (STAR OCEAN)
9. Integral body and imperfect soul (Star Ocean The Second Story)
10. Mission to the Empty Space (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
11. Behave irrationally (Valkyrie Profile)
12. All is Twilight (Valkyrie Profile)
13. Starless Wavelets (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
14. Manifestation (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
15. New World (STAR OCEAN)
16. The true nature of all (Valkyrie Profile)
17. Fragments of the Heart (Valkyrie Profile)
18. Demand (STAR OCEAN)
19. The neverending cycle of reincarnation (Valkyrie Profile)
20. Field of Exper (Star Ocean The Second Story)
21. Till the End of Time (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
22. Reunion (STAR OCEAN)
23. The venerable forest (Star Ocean The Second Story)
24. Resolution (Star Ocean The Second Story)
25. Unfinished Battle With God Syndrome (Valkyrie Profile)
26. At the Bottom of Hell is Distortion (Valkyrie Profile)
27. Pure a stream (Star Ocean The Second Story)
28. Sky Gate (Valkyrie Profile)
29. The Divine Spirit of Language (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
30. Brass Wings (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
31. Highbrow (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
Disc.2 (1:13:00)
1. Epic Tale of a Holy Death (Valkyrie Profile)
2. Like Becoming Accustomed to Happiness (Valkyrie Profile)
3. The Desolte Smell of Earth (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
4. The Strong (STAR OCEAN)
5. KA.MI.KA.ZE (Star Ocean The Second Story)
6. Tangency (Star Ocean The Second Story)
7. Turn over a new leaf (Valkyrie Profile)
8. Fly Away in the Violet sky (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
9. We form in crystals (Star Ocean The Second Story)
10. Calm time (STAR OCEAN)
11. The first unison (Valkyrie Profile)
12. An illusion of the brainstem (Valkyrie Profile)
13. Field of Nede (Star Ocean The Second Story)
14. Divine Indignation (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
15. Stab the sword of justice (Star Ocean The Second Story)
16. Mission to the deep space (Star Ocean The Second Story)
17. Relief (STAR OCEAN)
18. So Alone, Be Sorrow (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
19. Cutting Edge of Notion (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
20. Tense Atmosphere (STAR OCEAN)
21. Beast of prey (Star Ocean The Second Story)
22. Into a World Becoming Impure (Valkyrie Profile)
23. The Dawn of Wisdom (Star Ocean Till the End of Time)
24. Hand to Hand (Star Ocean Blue Sphere)
25. Myth of Fate (Star Ocean Blue Sphere)
26. No Mercy (Star Ocean Blue Sphere)
27. Death is a Great Leveller (Star Ocean Blue Sphere)
28. Civilization Keeper (Star Ocean Blue Sphere)
29. Legacy from the Past (Star Ocean Blue Sphere)
30. Pacifism (Star Ocean Blue Sphere)
31. Peace of Mind (Star Ocean Blue Sphere)
32. STAR OCEAN FOREVER (Star Ocean Blue Sphere)
* The STAR OCEAN tracks featured are remix recordings.

原声大碟 -《星之海洋与北欧女神精选集》(Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile Sound Track&#下载

原声大碟 -《星之海洋与北欧女神精选集》(Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile Sound Track&#评论


  • 名称:原声大碟 -《星之海洋与北欧女神精选集》(Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile Sound Track&#
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:59:56
  • 资源大小:194.79 MB
  • 授权形式:免费