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《后院星空》(Starry Night Pro Plus 6)v6[ISO]

软件大小:9.50 GB
中文名: 后院星空
英文名: Starry Night Pro Plus 6
别名: 星光灿烂
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: v6
发行时间: 2006年
地区: 美国

杀毒软件:Kaspersky ( KIS V6.0.307)
版本: 6.0.307
常驻:Razorback 2.0-3.0
共享条件:电信ADSL 1.5M带宽
共享服务器:DonkeyServer No1、DonkeyServer No2、DonkeyServer No3

操作系统:Windows XP
显卡:支持OpenGL 1.4的显卡,需要显存64MB(建议128MB以上,仅OpenGL 1.2的显卡将无法完美展现阴影、天空、草地等)
Java环境:由于V5版本的缘故,我将这个先写下,由于XP_SP2关闭了JAVA环境(V5导致不能直接安装),只需要安装一次Java Runtime Environment就可以


安装之前或者完成后,请登陆http://www.starrynight.com/support/register/login/login.php 进行注册,需要您现在StarryNight.com上注册一个ID,以后用ID注册你的软件内版本,就可以得到用户名和序列号了。然后填入软件启动时候的提示框内,便可实现在线更新。
这次发布的ed2k上传源跟之前ninjai发布的应该属于同一类(发布帖子的时候发现ed2k也是一样滴),由于目前国内完成度还米达到100%(DISK1已经达到100% DISK2达到94.4%,DISK3达到73.5%),所以放出的链接是国外的。国内很多天文爱好者正在积极分源,我发布的时候,已经达到我所说的完成度,也长时间挂机分流,上传已经开到最大且稳定的56(可以上到64,但是莫明其妙容易断流)。如果需要互加好友进行加速的,请跟帖留下ID。ninjai同好的由于发帖不规范,版主一直没有加精,所以我重新编辑这个帖子。

Starry Night PRO5(俺上次共享的那个),是可以安装候在官方网站注册(就是填一些简单的信息,留一个email地址,不过建议专门弄个邮箱,因为StarryNight.com常常会发软件的介绍、降价等“垃圾”邮件),就可以得到序列号了。由于DISK 2还未完结,所以尚未通过KEY测试,不过按照惯例是可以得到KEY的。有了KEY以后可以直接在软件中更新最新的卫星、彗星等等非常规的天体(意为最近发现非记录在案的天体)数据,也可以下载最新的观测资讯以及NASA发布的每日太阳等等实时图片。

这个软件只有最早的Starry Night Backyard 3.12有汉化,尽管3.12可以通过修改十六进制代码软改成Pro版本,但是汉化也就失效了。从4.5版本开始,数据量庞大起来,介于天文软件的特殊性(西方跟东方对于同一天体有不同命名,还有星团星云有多种星图表名称),所以就一直没有汉化了。但是界面是很简单的,对于使用不会有太大障碍。


Starry Night系列软件和其它星图软件相比,上手快,实时情景符合人们平时肉眼看星空的习惯,这里发布的PRO Plus版本是Starry Night最高版本,全天星体都是以实际CCD照片做为背景,根据你的视场大小,你可以把这个软件当作一个可以变倍的望远镜来使用,视场越小的时候,实际的星体会放大成真实的嵌入图片。这次发布的V6版本比V5大不少,估计是对星图重新做了高分辨率的采样,压缩受到限制,所以越发庞大起来。正如美国海军发布的星图一样,仅仅是星图文件就好几个G。当然以前SN所具有的功能都有保留,比如望远镜的控制,直接GTO指向,只是这个版本体积太大,估计舍得用笔记本来安装这个版本的人不会太多,4.5版就足够了。
PRO跟PRO Plus最大的不同就是PRO仅仅是各类星云星团星系等用的是CCD映象图片,而Plus则是小到一颗普通恒星都是使用的实际图片。

Starry Night Pro Plus version 6
New Horizon Panoramas
Watch spectacular sunsets in one of many new photorealistic horizon panoramas.
Moon Surface Outlines
Recognize 1000+ craters, valleys and more instantly with surface feature outlines for the Moon.
Observing Lists
Create a list for a particular night or specific objects. Share your lists with other observers.
Enhanced Topography
Change the face of the Earth, Moon or Mars in an instant.
Starhopping Chart
Centered on the target objects, three-view starhopping charts allow experts to manage their time more efficiently.
AllSky CCD Mosaic
From any place on Earth, see the real night sky in full-color photographic detail.
AllSky Image 100 Degrees
100 degree field-of-view of the AllSky Image.
AllSky Image 33 Degrees
AllSky Image zoomed in to 33 degrees field-of-view.
AllSky Image 10 Degrees
AllSky Image zoomed in to 10 degrees field-of-view.
AllSky Image 3 Degrees
AllSky Image zoomed in to 3 degrees.
Telescope Pane
Enhanced telescope control makes Starry Night even easier-to-use for unsurpassed astronomical observations.
Nebula Outlines
Nebula outlines make it easier to spot the diffuse edges of nebulae you're observing.
High Resolution Earth Graphics
Hover above the Earth for a detailed view of our home planet before blasting off to explore deep space.
For the advanced amateur astronomer, the full-color AllSky CCD mosaic, sophisticated telescope controls and comprehensive observational tools included in Starry Night Pro Plus version 6 will engage you in the hobby like no other software.
The biggest single addition to Starry Night software since its inception, the full-color AllSky CCD image mosaic of the entire night sky visible from Earth weighs in at 6.44 billion pixels in size. Named AllSky for its uniform coverage from pole to pole, it's a single picture of the whole sky that has now been precisely mapped to Starry Night's computer generated stars and databases. Previously only available to Windows users through Desktop Universe planetarium software, the display of the AllSky image has been drastically improved in Starry Night and is now accessible to Mac users as well.
View on your computer screen an image better than the best-trained human eye can capture in real-time viewing through a telescope on a "good seeing" night. See the entire Milky Way in exquisite detail and then zoom in to explore dust lanes and nebulae. Instead of dots and circles, you will see an actual photo of a star or a deep sky object.
Smoothly and swiftly navigate this full color photograph of the entire night sky, to a limiting magnitude of 14-15. Five years in development, the AllSky CCD mosaic is comprised of about 20,000 individual images, originally imaged at a resolution of 12 arcseconds per pixel with a scientific grade, custom built AP9E CCD camera.
The AllSky image in Starry Night presents the ENTIRE sky as a full-color, seamless mosaic at 5 resolution levels depending on your zoom setting. This consistent resolution, color and depth of coverage eliminates the uncertainties of comparing images from many and varied sources. Zoom from the widest possible view of 180 degrees to 0.5 degree field of view.
If you have the processing power, set the AllSky image to be more precise and a better match between the photographic stars in the AllSky image and the Starry Night stars. For the highest quality AllSky image, you will need a video card with a minimum of 96 MB VRAM.
Version 6 includes an additional 6 GB of the AllSky image in DDS texture format, which enables the AllSky image to load up to 20X faster.
In addition, at wide fields of view, the AllSky image can be rendered via shaders for perfect rendering accuracy and a dramatic speed improvement, but you will need a higher-end OpenGL 2.0 capable graphics card to see this phenomenal improvement. We recommend 128 MB nVidia GeForce 6600 (or higher) or ATI Radeon X800 (or higher).
In all, Starry Night Pro Plus version 6 has over 25 new features that bring more power and control to your observing and imaging. Starry Night Pro Plus will change how you look at the night sky.
Exclusive to Pro Plus:
* Zoom in on full-color AllSky CCD image mosaic of the entire night sky to a limiting magnitude of 14-15, mapped precisely to Starry Night's databases
* AllSky CCD image loads 20X faster in DDS texture format (additional 6 GB of hard drive space needed)
* View positions and outlines of 1400 dark, emission, planetary and reflection nebulae
* Identify 1700 globular and open star clusters
* Fly over super-high resolution 24-bit color map of Mars land mass topography above the sea
* Hover over Earth and see details within 1 km (0.6 miles) resolution
* Create your own astrophotography using imaging plug-in to integrate Starry Night and MaxIm DL* imaging software (sold separately, Windows only)
New Features:
* Plan observing sessions with Event Finder that instantly displays celestial events, such as lunar and solar eclipses and conjunctions, for months far into the future
* Create Observing Lists of astronomical objects using a variety of filters such as magnitude, altitude above horizon, type or database. Quickly see what objects you have observed and which ones you still need to hunt down
* Find targets effortlessly with three-view starhopping charts customized to your equipment
* Select your equipment from expanded default database of over 300 Orion, Meade, Celestron and Vixen scopes, binoculars, SBIG, Apogee, FLI and Starlight Express CCD chips and more
* Recognize 1000+ craters, valleys and more instantly with surface feature outlines for the Moon
* View the locations of 160+ extrasolar planets
* Enjoy 8 additional photorealistic Earth horizon panoramas
* And all the new data and features of Starry Night Pro version 6, including
o Take advantage of improved Digital Settings Circles Support for non-motorized telescopes such as Orion SkyQuest IntelliScope, NGCMAX, Lumicon Sky Vector, Discovery Digital Star Finder, Orion SkyWizard III, and Celestron Advanced Astromaster
o Control your robotic telescope focuser with Computer Controlled Focuser Support (Windows only). Supported models include AstroOptik telescopes, Astrophysics GTO mount, Finger Lakes focusers, Gemini equipped mount, JMI Smart Focus, Meade LX200 and Autostar, Optec TCF-S, and PCFocus.
o Smoothly track and follow satellites with the Meade LX200 GPS telescope (Mac only)
o And much more.
Other Features:
* Controls most popular brands of robotic telescopes, including Orion SkyQuest Intelliscope, Meade LX200 and Autostar, Celestron Nexstar series and all ASCOM compliant scopes (additional cable required)
* Explore 65,000,000 stars
* Access 500+ million stars online
* Explore PGC Catalog of 980,000 galaxies
* Choose from over 30 photorealistic horizon panoramas
* Add custom field of view indicators to match your telescope eyepiece, binoculars, CCDs or DSLRs
* And all the data and features of Starry Night Pro version 6
What happens if I only have OpenGL 1.4 and not OpenGL 2.0? Will Starry Night Pro Plus 6 run?
In Starry Night version 6, the graphics default settings are not any more graphics-intensive than version 5.
The 3 things that are new and may not be supported are:
1. The AllSky Image "shader". This is OFF by default and is only used when the user selects to use it from the Preferences. All this does is speed up the AllSky image at large FOVs (the lowest two resolution levels). The AllSky is ALSO sped up by Starry Night's use of DDS images, which every video card should support.
2. The "daytime sky" shader. This is also OFF by default. All this does is give that pretty gradient sky look during daytime/twilight.
3. Animated horizons. Again, this is OFF by default, and Starry Night will automatically determine if it'll work on your machine (and then disable -gray out- this option). If it IS enabled and it does not work well, this option will be automatically disabled the next time the program is started up.
The ONLY new features which require a better video card than Version 5 are the three "eye-candy" features listed above. Overall, the other graphics in the application will not be affected if you only have an OpenGL 1.4 card.
What's the difference between Starry Night Pro Plus and AstroPhoto Suite?
Starry Night Pro Plus is the only version of Starry Night which contains the full-color AllSky CCD mosaic of the entire night sky.
The reason that Astrophoto Suite is more expensive than Pro Plus is because it comes with a (Lite) version of MaxIm DL imaging software.
Please note that the Starry Night product that comes in AstroPhoto Suite is the equivalent of Starry Night Pro, NOT Starry Night Pro Plus.
The "AstroPhoto" version of Starry Night does NOT, for example, have the AllSky image and other features exclusive to Pro Plus.
Also note that Starry Night Pro Plus 6 comes complete with the plugin necessary to interface with any version of MaxIm DL but does NOT come with a version of MaxIm (Lite or otherwise.)
If you're already an owner of the full version of MaxIm DL, you want Pro Plus (which will interface with MaxIm DL for importing images, etc.)
Starry Night Astrophoto Suite is meant for people who do not have MaxIm DL, but would like to do some imaging with webcams and select DSLR cameras.
If you want the best that Starry Night has to offer, then you want Starry Night Pro Plus.
Praise for Starry Night Pro Plus version 5
"If you wish to recreate the majesty of the night sky indoors, then it's hard to imagine how it could be improved. I had many happy hours just admiring the view. ... it's awesome. ..So, will I be changing from my favorite software? ..the answer is a resounding yes."
Sky & Telescope Magazine - April 2006
Starry Night Pro Plus version 6 includes:
* 2 DVD-ROMs of Starry Night software for Windows and Macintosh
* Exclusive SkyTheater DVD with over an hour or original movies about space
* Starry Night Companion, a 192-page illustrated astronomy book
* New, comprehensive 210-page User's Guide
QuickGuide to Starry Night
If you want to spark your child's curiosity about the night sky, you want Starry Night Constellation Adventure.
If you want a great introduction to astronomy or are looking for a gift, consider Starry Night Complete Space & Astronomy Pack.
If you are ready to explore more of the Universe and prepare for your first night out under the stars, consider Starry Night Enthusiast.
If you want telescope control, extensive data and comprehensive observational tools not found in any other program, consider Starry Night Pro.
If you want a complete start-to-finish solution for capturing beautiful astrophotography, consider Starry Night AstroPhoto Suite.
System Requirements
To run Starry Night Pro Plus version 6 you need:
A DVD-ROM drive is required for the installation of Starry Night Pro Plus version 6 on your computer.
Windows: Requires Windows XP, 800 MHz or higher processor, 256 MB RAM (512 MB recommended) and 5 GB (11 GB needed for full install) of hard disk space. 64 MB (128 MB recommended) OpenGL 1.4 capable graphics card (OpenGL 2.0 is required for features like shaded sky, animated grass and fast AllSky rendering at wide FOV). Minimum recommended monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. DVD-ROM drive required for installation.
Recommended Graphics Card: 128 MB nVidia GeForce 6600 (or higher) or ATI Radeon X800 or higher.
Macintosh: Universal Binary runs natively on Intel and PPC Macintosh computers. Requires OS X 10.3.9 or higher, G4 800 MHz or higher processor, 256 MB RAM (512 MB recommended) and 5 GB (11 GB needed for full install) of hard disk space. Will not run on OS 9.x or earlier. 64 MB (128 MB recommended) OpenGL 1.4 capable graphics card (OpenGL 2.0 is required for features like shaded sky, animated grass and fast AllSky rendering at wide FOV). Minimum recommended monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. DVD-ROM drive required for installation.
Basic support for joysticks recognized by Windows XP and Mac OS X.
Requirements for Video DVD: Home DVD player and TV, or computer with DVD player.
*MaxIm DL Advanced CCD Imaging Software for Windows is sold separately.
What happens if I only have OpenGL 1.4 and not OpenGL 2.0? Will Starry Night version 6 run?
In Starry Night version 6, the graphics default settings are not any more graphics-intensive than version 5.
The 3 things that are new and may not be supported are:
1. The AllSky Image "shader". This is OFF by default and is only used when the user selects to use it from the Preferences. All this does is speed up the AllSky image at large FOVs (the lowest two resolution levels). The AllSky is ALSO sped up by Starry Night's use of DDS images, which every video card should support.
2. The "daytime sky" shader. This is also OFF by default. All this does is give that pretty gradient sky look during daytime/twilight.
3. Animated horizons. Again, this is OFF by default, and Starry Night will automatically determine if it'll work on your machine (and then disable -gray out- this option). If it IS enabled and it does not work well, this option will be automatically disabled the next time the program is started up.
The ONLY new features which require a better video card than Version 5 are the three "eye-candy" features listed above. Overall, the other graphics in the application will not be affected if you only have an OpenGL 1.4 card.
AllSky CCD Image and Associated Data copyright 2005 Main Sequence Software Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • 名称:《后院星空》(Starry Night Pro Plus 6)v6[ISO]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 20:43:58
  • 资源大小:9.50 GB
  • 授权形式:免费