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《VCOM系统辅助工具》(VCOM SystemSuite Professional)v8.0

软件大小:70.94 MB
中文名: VCOM系统辅助工具
英文名: VCOM SystemSuite Professional
版本: v8.0
发行时间: 2007年10月29日
制作发行: V-COM
地区: 美国

杀毒软件:kav 6.0
共享服务器:!! Saugstube !!

VCOM SystemSuite是一套包括反病毒,反间谍,防火墙,系统工具等众多功能的全面的系统应用套件,专为维护电脑的快捷稳定。VCom SystemSuite可帮助你改善系统性能、保障你的电脑免受黑客及病毒入侵、诊断电脑问题、恢复因意外删除或多媒体档案损坏而流失的资料、阻载垃圾邮件等,功能多不胜数!
VirusScanner Pro升级后的病毒引擎可搜寻到更多病毒!(病毒扫描引擎来自Trend Micro趋势) 保障你的系统免受病毒、恶意电邮、木马间谍等的入侵。 NetDefense这个用Sygate引擎的个人防火墙可保护你的电脑免受黑客入侵。新版本使用了最新版本引擎及加入一系列的保户选项。
New SystemSuite 8 Professional
Based on thousands of conversations with you, our System Suite users, we've loaded the upcoming System Suite 8 with great tools and features that will make your PC feel like it's new again.
As a current user of SystemSuite you already know how great a tool it is to keep your machine running it's best. With great new features like NetDefense, WebDefense, File Shredder and Active Intelligence Technology, SystemSuite 8 takes what you already have and makes it that much better. More optimization options, more diagnostic capabilities, greater PC protection, that is the new SystemSuite.
Below is a sneak peek at the new interface, providing the "System Optimizer " view to allow for at-a-glance system health evaluation and the Link Scanner view to block threats and malicious content on your PC.
Revisions at a Glance:
System Optimizer New! Click once and you're optimized. Select from different profiles to optimize your system for specific PC tasks, like Gaming, Multimedia, Office tasks and Security.
File Shredder - New! Help prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands by securely erasing data from your hard drive. You'll be protected from Identity Theft as File Shredder exceeds U.S. Department of Defense Security cleaning standards, ensuring that erased data is completely unrecoverable. .
Active Intelligence - New! Don't worry, System Suite will do it all for you. Automatically checks the health and security status of your PC in the background without you having to lift a finger.
Web Defense - New! Identifies and blocks malicious web sites, preventing phishing and fraud scams. Also, scans search engine results (Google, Yahoo, MSN) and indicates whether a site is safe, potentially unsafe, or definitely unsafe before you click.
Recovery Commander - Enhanced! The Recovery Disk now supports offloading files to an external USB Drive (and thumb drive), making recovery easier and more convenient than ever.
Enhancements and Bug Fixes - Improved! Based on thousands of conversations with System Suite users this new version stamps out reported problems before they get to you.

? ? ? ?
? 苘圻 咣苘 ?
苓咣?苒? 苘咣圻 咣圻苘 咣?苒哌?
? 捋苓 ?哌 苒圻 t h e c r a c k e r s o f 咣圮 哌 ? 哕圯 ?
哕 圹圮 ?苘苓 圹? 圹?哕苘 ?苒圹 苓
?苘 哌哕咣圹?圹? 苘? 苘? 苘? 苘苘 苘?圹?咣圹哕哌?苘 ?
圹?咣?圹? 苒鄄槽圮 苒圹槽圮 圹圹槽圮 捋膊圹鄄圯 圹?咣?圹?
圹??圹? 圹槽哌圹圯鄄圹哌圹槽捋槽咣圹?膊圹咣圻? 圹??圹?
圹?圹? 捋圹? 鄄坜圹圯 捋?圹圯 鄄?捋圯 圹?圹?
圹圹? 捋槽 捋圻捋圹 圹圯圹?苒圹蒇鄄圮苘 圹圹?
圹? 圹圯 鄄圯 捋?薏圹鄄圻 捋圹圹圯 圹?
苒苘苒? 捋圹 圹苻圹? 圹圯圹圻咣圹 槽鄄哌? 苒苘苒?
[rAD!s] 圹圻?哌? 鄄圯 捋圯圹圯 薏?鄄? 鄄圯捋圹蒈? 苓?哌圹?
圹? 捋槽圮鄄圯捋槽圮圹圯 圹? 捋圹 鄄圹鄄圮 咣?
槽圮 咣圹槽圻 咣圹膊圻 捋槽?捋草薏圹槽圹圯 懿鄄
卟槽 哌? 哌? 哌哌?哌?哌哌? 鄄圻
草 ?咣? 捋?? 薏
掭 ? 圯 p r e s e n t 捋 ? 掭
? ? ? 哌? ? ?
掭 圯 VCOM System Suite Pro v8.0 *KEYMAKER.ONLY* 捋 ?
?捋 圯 ?
圯 捋
捋 Cracked by....: KaiZer SoZe Release-Name..: CR-AAAQ8.ZIP 圯
圹 Supplied......: CORE Release-Date..: 2007/10/29 圹
圹? Packaged......: CORE Release-Type..: Util 圹
鄄? Protection....: Serial OS............: Windows 薏?
捋? Crack/SN......: Keymaker Language......: English 圹?
捋圯 Rating........: [You decide!] Disks.........: 01 圹?
捋? 圹?
鄄? 鄄?
圹? 咣? 苓哌? 苒? 圹?
圹圮 哕 苒策苘? 哕苓槽? 苓 苒圹
? 咣槽苘 哌苘 苓? 哕 苓 哌? 苘哌 苘鄄圻 ?
哕? 哌圹圹圮 哕 ? 哕? 苓 哕 苘? 苓 苒圹圹哌 苘?
哌圮苘 咣槽? ? ? 哌圮 苒哌 ? ? 圹槽? 苘苒哌
? 哌圹?咣 苓?薨? 舶?哌? 唼 圻 咣圻? ?
荥 ?? 掭 北? 薇? 掭 ??
圯 ? 曹苓 哕? 哕?膊? 鄄?苘? 苓? 哕懿 ? 捋
薏圮鼙 苘苒圻 ? 苘膊? 卟曹? ? 咣圮苘 避苒草
卟鄄圹圹膊? 苒策 卟圮 鄄槽圹圹槽策
哌哌? 佰? 咣? 哌哌哌?
佰 苓哕 苓哕 ?
掭安?掭 掭 卟稗
哕 苓 哕 苓
哌 哌
荥 苘?苓曹
懿哕 哕? 圯 ? 曹苓 哕懿 ? 捋 苓? 苘? ?
? 苘? 哌? 薏圮鼙 苘苒圻 咣圮苘 避苒草 掭 懿? 哌苘
苘哌 安? 掭 卟鄄圹圹膊? 鄄槽圹圹槽策 哕 ? ? ?哕
苓 ? ? ? 苓 哌哌? 哌哌哌? 哌舶 圻 捋
圯 咣 安哌 草
薏 唼 ..: DESCRiPTiON :.. 草
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 New SystemSuite. 8 Professional - It's Finally Here! 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 Based on thousands of conversations with you, our System Suite 槽
鄄 users, we've loaded the upcoming System Suite 8 with great tools 槽
鄄 and features that will make your PC feel like it's new again. 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 As a current user of SystemSuite you already know how great a tool 槽
鄄 it is to keep your machine running it's best. With great new 槽
鄄 features like NetDefense, WebDefense, File Shredder and Active 槽
鄄 Intelligence Technology, SystemSuite 8 takes what you already have 槽
鄄 and makes it that much better. More optimization options, more 槽
鄄 diagnostic capabilities, greater PC protection, that is the new 槽
鄄 SystemSuite. 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 http://www.v-com.com/promo/SystemSuite8_Launch_1007_VC_HOME.html 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
薏蒈 苻草
甙? 甙?

哕 苘 ? ? 苘 苓
???苓? ?弑? 弑?? 哌????
掭 ?? ? ? ?? 掭
懿哕 哕? 唼 ? 唼 ? 苘?苓曹
? 苘? 哌? 苓? 苘? ?
苘哌 安? 掭 掭 懿? 哌苘
苓 ? ? ? 苓 哕 ? ? ?哕
圯 咣 安哌 ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :.. 哌舶 圻 捋
薏 唼 草
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 The serial provided by YAG is blacklisted, here's the keygen. 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 ..: iMPORTANT NOTE :.. 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 Run CORE10k.EXE to verify this release, if CRC-check fails or 槽
鄄 even CORE10k.EXE is missing - you are probably using webshit! 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 else 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 Thanks for choosing 槽
鄄 (C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering! 槽
鄄 槽
捋? 槽?
捋? 荥 苘?苓曹槽?
哕 哕? 圯 ? 曹苓 哕懿 ? 捋 苓? 苘?
苘? 哌? 薏圮鼙 苘苒圻 咣圮苘 避苒草 掭 懿? 哌苘
苘哌 安? 掭 卟鄄圹圹膊? 鄄槽圹圹槽策 哕 ? ? ?哕
苓 ? ? ? 苓 哌哌? 哌哌哌? 哌舶 圻 捋
圯 咣 安哌 草
苘 ? ..: CORE NEWS AND iNFOS :.. ?苘
苒圹?哕 苓 圹圹?
捋鄄圹?掭 掭 捋鄄圹?
圹槽圹 ? - not available - ? 圹鄄圹
薏鄄圯 苓 哕 捋槽草
鄄圹 掭 掭 圹槽
捋草 哕? 苘? 薏圯
圹? 哕 苓 捋?
咣 掭 掭 圻
? 苓 哕 ?
苒? 咣?
苓? 哌?
苓 哕
苒? 捋?
槽? 圹?
捋? 捋?
圹 圹
圹 圹
圹 圹
槽? 圹
捋圯 ? 苓? 捋?
鄄圮 掭 掭 苒?
咣圹圮? 苘苘圻 咣苘苘 苘圹圹
圹圹槽圹圹哌 哌圹圹鄄圹圹
薏?哌? 哌?鄄?
捋? 捋?
捋? 捋?
鄄 槽
捋? 捋?
鄄 槽
捋? 捋?
鄄 槽
圯 圹
圹 捋?
捋? 捋?
薏? 薏?
圹 ? 唼 ? 圹
薏? ? ? ? ? 薏?
圹 苒哌苘 ?? ? ? ?? 苘哌圮 圹
薏蒈哌 咣?卟? 卟?苒? 哌苻草
圹 ? ? 圹
圹? 圹?
槽? 圹?
捋圯 捋圯
槽? 圹?
圹? 槽?
槽? 鄄?
圹? 圹?
圹? 圹?
圹 圹
掭 掭
? 苘? 苘? ?
? 苓? 哌? lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s] 苓? 哌? ?
哕 哕 ? nfO UPdATED ON [2007/06/11] ? 苓 苓
哌苘? 苘苓 ? (c) C.O.R.E. 2 0 0 7 ? 哕苘 苘苓?
哌哌? 哌哌?
?CRC 4737:CB0A

《VCOM系统辅助工具》(VCOM SystemSuite Professional)v8.0下载

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  • 名称:《VCOM系统辅助工具》(VCOM SystemSuite Professional)v8.0
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 15:56:18
  • 资源大小:70.94 MB
  • 授权形式:免费