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软件大小:2.05 GB

【类型】: 剧情
【影片长度】: 44分钟
【集数】: 未知
【服务器】: DonkeyServer No2/No1
【分享时间】: 24/7
Matthew Bomer
Logan Marshall-Green
Aaron Stanford
Viola Davis
Steven Culp
Jay, Taylor和他们神秘的室友Will毕业后来到纽约度假,三人神秘的卷入一起博物馆爆炸事件,事后Will失踪。Jay和Taylor被FBI锁定为头号嫌犯,两人希望找到Will并向警方澄清真相,但随后发现共处2年的室友Will竟从未留下一张正面照片,警方也毫无此人的资料,于是Jay与Taylor踏上了寻找真相的不归路……
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How well do you know your friends? Would you bet your life on it? It's not what we share with our friends, but what we keep hidden that defines what kind of people we are.
After spending every minute of the last two years living, working, and partying together, Jay, Taylor and Will are departing on a summer journey. But being together ends today…simple prank to rollerblade through one of New York City's most famous museums has made Jay and Taylor prime suspects in the terrorist bombing that destroyed it seconds later. The guys hope Will can help clear up this misunderstanding, but he's been missing since the explosion and they think he might be dead. Jay wants to talk to the police about finding Will, but quickly realizes they can't even prove Will exists in every photo for the last two years, Will managed to block his face. He was their only alibi.
The F.B.I. confirms a man matching Will's description died in the explosion, but also learns the explosion was triggered by a call from Jay's cell phone. It's a highly suspicious coincidence that may prove Will, the glue in their friendship, may have meticulously planned this betrayal for over two years. Perfectly framed and on the run, the friends must rely on each other to get away from the F.B.I., and try to get to the bottom of a conspiracy that has destroyed their future. But what can they do when they're merely pawns in a game of global intrigue?
Director David Nutter, who has defined many series including The X-Files, Without a Trace and Supernatural, along with the writer of Eight Below and the Oscar?-winning producers of American Beauty, combine The Fugitive with Enemy of the State in a taut, tense thriller of innocents on the run. Flashing back to the prior two years to illustrate the formation of this friendship and Will's insidious behavior, this action-packed drama taps into our paranoia with pure adrenaline-fueled entertainment.
Steven Culp, Logan Marshall-Green, Matthew Bomer, Aaron Stanford, Viola Davis, Anthony Ruivivar

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【片名】:游侠 第一季
【类型】: 科幻
【影片长度】: 44分钟
【集数】: 未知
【服务器】: DonkeyServer No2/No1
【分享时间】: 24/7
美国WB电视台几年前推出《Smallville》点用新人Tom Welling饰演少年超人被怀疑过于“冒险”,不料如今节目受欢迎,Tom也成为深受少女喜爱、炙手可热的年轻男星;今早WB台宣布将制作推出一部为同名DC漫画角色量身定做的新剧集《Aquaman》(水人),再次大胆安排了新人Will Toale饰演男主角Aquaman,可谓十分自信,不过后来男主角换了Justin Hartley. 虽然这部剧的播出时间还不明晰,但是主角Justin Hartley将会以另一个漫画人物Green Arrow(绿箭)的身份,出现在(<超人前传>)第六季中,扮演一个叫Oliver Queen的角色.
A.C. (Aquaman的名字)拥有和在“Smallville” 里一样的超能力,但是这部剧中他的背景更复杂.他在水中游的速度和超人在陆地上跑的速度一样快.他一旦接触水,就可以用意无比巨大的能量.
  WB今早宣布将推出的新剧《Aquaman》应当感谢好好“老前辈”《Smallville》。《Smallville》去年10月播出的某一集中首次引入Aquaman这个角色,当时的扮演者是前《American Idol》选手Alan Ritchson;虽然当时该演员的表演备受质疑,但Aquaman这个新角色的设定,还是让《Smallville》收视率报出红盘,相信这,也是WB电视台此次决定为Aquaman单独开剧的重要考量之一。
  根据WB电视台公告,新剧《Aquaman》将由《Smallville》执行制作人Miles Millar和Alfred Gough担任制作,节目讲述居住在深洋底的主角Aquaman如何领导着海洋生物朋友们和犯罪斗争的故事。该剧实验性第一集3月在迈阿密开拍,预定于今秋推出,但是现在由于某些原因,具体时间仍然不确定。
Years ago, self-assured dive shop owner Arthur "A.C." Curry lost his mother in the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, and now he is honing his amazing aquatic abilities under the tutelage of a cryptic lighthouse keeper. A.C. knows that he must risk everything to protect the world's vast oceans, even if it brings him into conflict with alluring Navy pilot Rachel Torres. As he trains with his haunted mentor and relies on his close confidant Eva, A.C. grows to embrace an even bigger mission: an ominous, invisible war between the world A.C. inhabits and the one that bore him. This grounded, contemporary reinterpretation of DC Comics' Aquaman mythology comes from the acclaimed writing/producing team of Alfred Gough & Miles Millar ("Smallville").
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【原 名】:Jericho Season 1
【译 名】:核爆危机 第1季
【类 型】:Drama
【首 播】:2006年09月20日
【国 家】:美国 CBS
【语 言】:英语
【影片长度】: 平均45分钟
【服务器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 全天24小时
【字 幕】:自行到射手网搜索下载
【演 员】:
Skeet Ulrich as Jake Green

