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《星际猎人 第一季》(Starhunter Season 1)22集全[TVRip]

软件大小:7.39 GB

【类型】: 科幻/动作
【片长】: 每集约45分钟
【集数】: 本季共22集
【字幕】: 暂无
【服务器】: S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)
【分享时间】: 24小时
(以下介绍转自飞翔科幻网和天涯小筑,转载请注明出处)《StarHunter(星际猎人)》是加拿大与英国和法国联合拍摄的硬派科幻电视剧,而特效则是德国的一家专业公司制作的。《星际猎人》播出了两季,第一季首播于2000年底,第二季则是2003年。加拿大本土播出第二季时,将片名改成了《StarHunter 2300》,而英国则延用了《StarHunter》。
一艘又旧又破的古董飞船在太空里游荡着,飞船的一侧依稀印制着一个已经褪色的名字:"穿越理想旅行运输公司"。大部分字迹已经无法辨认了,剩下来的字母成了她的外号:Trans Utopian。但是在大部分时间里,人们习惯称她为Tulip(郁金香)号。现在,已经光荣退役的豪华运输船"郁金香"号成了一群赏金猎人的新家。
第一季里,郁金香号的主人是Rudolpho DeLuna,他雇用Dante Montana做船上的赏金猎人。为了实现周游宇宙的理想,Dante接受了这份工作,并顺道在旅途中筹集资金,搜寻儿子Travis的下落。十年前,Travis被一群强盗绑架了,至今生死未卜。为了帮他完成心愿,侄女Percy Montana来到船上成了一名机械师;前海军士兵Lucrecia Scott受Rudolpho DeLuna的指派到船上监视Dante的一举一动,确保他能够专心完成每一项任务。第一季播出之时,每一集最开始都有一段DeLuna给Dante的留言,描述Dante当前的主要任务。在美国播出之时,这一段独白被删除了。
赏金猎人Dante Montana和侄女Percy、神秘的军火专家Lucrectia以及大副Caravaggio(纯全息图像)结成了一个"星际猎人"团队,将一艘已经退役的古董飞船"郁金香"号改造成捕猎飞船,在行星之间追逐着最危险的犯罪分子。
船长Dante并不知道自己的船员Luc(Lucrecia)是一个效命于The Orchard组织的秘密间谍。The Orchard十分强大,他们的头目正是Luc的父亲Darius。
In the 23rd century, humanity has spread to the stars and planets in Earth's solar system. Civilization is a patchwork of a hundred worlds, most with weak governments and weaker laws. It is a golden age for criminals who exploit this lawlessness and use the incredible technology of the future to prey on others. A former luxury space liner, the Tulip, is now a bounty-hunting vessel commanded by Travis Montana (Sunset Beach's Clive Robertson) who searches the galaxy in search of his father. He's joined on his quest by comic hunter Rudolpho, plucky Percy, holographic first mate Carvaggio, sexy special services officer Callista and bad boy Marcus. Now the fight for justice is set among the stars? and the showdown is about to begin. Perfect for Fans of New Sci-Fi TV Favorites Farscape, Stargate SG-1 and Babylon 5! Episodes include: Rebirth, Star Crossed, Biocrime, Chasing Janus, Spaceman, Becoming Shiva, The Third Thing, Torment, Painless, Skin Deep, Supermax Redux, Pandora's Box, Stitch in Time, The Prisoner, Kate, Rivals, Heir and the Spare, Just Politics, Negative Energy, License to Fill, Hyperspace I & II.
Starhunter follows the exploits of the crew of the spaceship Trans Utopian (The Tulip) , a former luxury liner that has been refitted to serve a bounty-hunting crew.Leading the crew during the first season is Dante Montana (Michael Paré), who became a bounty hunter in order to search for his son, Travis, who was abducted ten years earlier by a group of Raiders. During the raid, Dante's wife, Penny, was killed. The Raiders are a group of genetically enhanced former-soldiers who were rendered sterile, and must abduct children to increase their numbers.Percy Montana (Tanya Allen) is Dante's niece, and the ship's engineer. Dante adopted her when her parents were killed during the raid where Dante lost his wife and son.
Rounding out the crew is Lucrecia Scott (Claudette Roche). Luc, a former marine, was placed aboard the ship by Rudolpho DeLuna (Stephen Marcus), the ship's owner, to look out for his interests, and to keep Dante from straying too far from his bounty hunting duties. Each episode during the first season begins with Rudolpho sending a message to Dante, usually involving Dante's current assignment, and always philosophical. (These monologues have been removed from the US syndicated version of the show.)
Caravaggio (Murray Melvin) is the holographic interface to the ship's computer. Originally, he was The Tulip's acerbic Maitre D, but was reconfigured to serve a bounty hunting crew.
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《星际猎人 第一季》(Starhunter Season 1)22集全[TVRip]下载

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  • 名称:《星际猎人 第一季》(Starhunter Season 1)22集全[TVRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 19:35:21
  • 资源大小:7.39 GB
  • 授权形式:免费