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《办公室 第二季》(The Office Season 2)[风软FRTVS小组出品]更新第22集(本季完)[RMVB]

软件大小:1.84 GB

【影片长度】: 平均45分钟
【集数】: 全季共23集
【字幕】: 中文
【服务器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 24小时
【资料整理】:LikeApple@FRNEWS 转贴请注明出处
依据同名英国连续剧改编. 在这个轻松愉快的美国版本中, 通过工作人员的照相机以纪录片的方式讲述了一群特殊的办公室雇员之间发生的点点滴滴.
地区经理Michael(Steve Carell 饰演)觉得他自己是世界上最冷静,最有意思,最棒的老板 - 然而, 在他手下雇员的眼里他却是一个最易激动的,最惹人讨厌的老板. 同事Jim(John Krasinski 饰演)不是在搔扰破坏那个自称无所不知的Dwight(Rainn Wilson 饰演),就是不停围绕在前台Pam(Jenna Fischer 饰演)身边.
Ryan Howard(B.J.Novak 饰演)是一个年轻,聪明,有自制力的临时工. 虽然Michael一直在努力尝试把办公室的制度灌输到所有成员的脑袋中,但只有他很快就领悟到了.
"If i had to choose between a one-night-stand or time with these people? I choose them..."
Based on the popular British series of the same name, this faster-paced American version follows the daily interactions of a group of idiosyncratic office employees via a documentary film crew's cameras.
Regional manager Michael (Steve Carell, The Daily Show) thinks he's the coolest, funniest, best boss ever - which, of course, makes him the uncoolest, most obnoxious and annoying boss as far as his staff is concerned. His co-worker Jim (John Krasinski, Kinsey) lusts after engaged receptionist Pam (Jenna Fischer, Miss Match) when he's not sabotaging his cube-mate, the know-it-all Dwight (Rainn Wilson, Six Feet Under).
Ryan Howard (B.J. Novak, Punk'd) is a young, smart, self-possessed temp, who quickly figures out the real office politics despite Michael's attempts to instill the official point-of-view.
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《办公室 第二季》(The Office Season 2)[风软FRTVS小组出品]更新第22集(本季完)[RMVB]下载

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  • 名称:《办公室 第二季》(The Office Season 2)[风软FRTVS小组出品]更新第22集(本季完)[RMVB]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 19:18:44
  • 资源大小:1.84 GB
  • 授权形式:免费