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《护滩使者 第二季》(Baywatch Season 2)22集全[DVDRip]

软件大小:7.51 GB

【类型】: 剧情
【影片长度】: 平均42分钟
【集数】: 全季共22集
【字幕】: 暂无
【电视台】: USA
【首播】: 1991年9月23日
Baywatch, television's most-famous "jiggle series" and by some counts the most-watched show around the world, did more for slow-motion beach joggers than anything since Chariots of Fire--just replace the British Olympic athletes with young women in high-cut red swimsuits who look like Playboy models. The premise of Baywatch is straightforward: a Los Angeles-based team of lifeguards saves swimmers and occasionally fights crime, led by beefcake Mitch Buchannon (David Hasselhoff). And those Playboy models? This season marked the debut of the quintessential Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson as C.J. Parker. Also debuting were Nicole Eggert as Roberta "Summer" Quinn, and Alexandra Paul as Mitch's old flame, Lt. Stephanie Holden. Future Showgirls star Elizabeth Berkley and surf champion Kelly Slater appear in a short-lived love triangle with Summer, Gregory Alan Williams continues to make appearances as Sergeant Garner Ellerbee, and David Charvet plays newcomer lifeguard Matt Brody. Throughout the season, Mitch and Stephanie dance around rekindling their relationship (but the attempt to use Mitch to evoke Bogie in Casablanca is just silly). Other events and encounters of the season include pirates ("Masquerade"), a basketball slaying ("Lifeguards Can't Jump"), a diamond smuggler ("Strangers Among Us"), a cruise hijacking ("Vacation"), an escaped convict ("The Tower"), a devastating injury to a key crew member ("Shattered"), and an Australian crew member (Trevor Goddard) in the season finale ("Fatal Exchange").
Just as with the previous set, calling this set "season 2" is a misnomer. It's really the final 20 episodes of the third season (1992-93), which was the second season the series had been in syndication. Noticeably absent are the first two episodes, the two parts of "River of No Return," which were previously released on DVD by another studio and are not included here. That's significant because those episodes marked the departure of former regulars Erika Eleniak and Billy Warlock, as well as the series debuts of Pamela Anderson and Nicole Eggert. However, the second and third episodes of the real season 1, "In Deep" and "Heat Wave," are included as bonuses. Also, co-creators and executive producers Greg Bonann, Doug Schwartz, and Michael Berk discuss the creation of the show and its move from NBC to syndication in a 13-minute segment. Another drawback, however, is that much of the original music has been replaced, including "I'm Always Here," Jimi Jamison's theme song.
〓 剧集介绍 〓
  风靡全球的美国剧集《Baywatch》讲述了美国洛杉矶海滩护卫队的故事,该剧于1989年在美国NBC电视台开播,但是只播出一季后即被电视台取消,但是,剧中的主演 David Hasselhoff 觉得该剧本非常有潜力,于是便自投资金购买了电视版权,并担任制片人,将剧集延续下去。该剧续拍后越来越火暴,由1989至2001年奇迹般地一共拍摄了11季之多,并最终成为世界收视第一的经典剧集。
〓 剧集评论 〓
  《Baywatch》从1989年播映到2001年共播出了11个季。国内曾引进过前2季,相信不少人看过,讲述一大堆俊男美女的海岸救生员的故事。其中男主角David Hasselhoff 曾出演过《霹雳游侠》。Baywatch比较类似于《ER》,主题曲歌词翻译过来几乎就是美国版的《接过雷锋的抢》,每集不管大事小事都要救几个落水的,就单单一个沙滩的救生员就能拍出那么多集来,每集一个故事,几乎涉及到了生活的方方面面。

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  • 名称:《护滩使者 第二季》(Baywatch Season 2)22集全[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 17:19:11
  • 资源大小:7.51 GB
  • 授权形式:免费