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您现在的位置是:就下载 > 苹果资讯专区 > iPhone资讯 > 新越狱工具SHAtter将能永久越狱苹果iOS设备



  A new exploit called the SHAtter Jailbreak will allow all iOS users including iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone 2G, iPad, iPad 3G, and iPod touch to jailbreak their mobile devices for life. This is BIG news for those that jailbreak their iDevices. With SHAtter, the jailbreak community will always have their jailbreak. Apple won’t be able to patch the SHAtter jailbreak exploit, and the cat and mouse game with Apple and jailbreakers will most likely end.

  一个叫做SHAtter的新越狱工具将会永久越狱所有苹果移动设备,包括iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone 2G, iPad, iPad 3G和iPod touch。对于那些想要越狱手头的苹果设备的人来说这可是一条重大新闻!有了SHAtter,所有人都将可以随意越狱手头的苹果设备。并且苹果没有办法修补这个被用来越狱的漏洞,这场苹果和黑客之间的”猫和老鼠“的游戏很可能将会结束。

  According to a page on The iPhone Wiki (Google Cache), the SHAtter jailbreak is the first exploit in the S5L8930 that will allow unsigned code execution to create a tethered jailbreak for life, and as an initial vector for all new untethered exploits to come. The SHAtter jailbreak vulnerability, exploitation and payload were created by pod2g and posixninja. No release date for the SHAtter jailbreak download has been announced yet.

  根据The iPhone Wiki的说法,SHAtter越狱利用了第一个在S5L8930上的漏洞,此漏洞可以允许一个未经鉴定的代码运行并制造出一个不完美越狱的环境,这可以看作是一个研究完美越狱的方向。SHAtter越狱的漏洞是pod2g和posixnija发现的。到目前为止还没有任何关于SHAtter越狱放出下载的确定时间。

  If you want to jailbreak iOS 4.1, stay tuned. We will post more details about the SHAtter jailbreak as we get them. Feel free to follow @QuickPWN on Twitter for the latest news on the SHAtter jailbreak.

  如果你想要越狱iOS 4.1,请持续关注我们,一旦我们收到任何关于SHAtter的消息我们都会发布出来。随时在Twitter上跟随@QuickPWN来获得关于SHAtter的最新消息。

上一篇:iPhone 4裸机在苏宁首发已无悬念

本文地址:iPhone资讯 >> http://www.9xz.net/ios-zixun/xinwen/7198.html

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