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《仇恨的罪恶》(Hate Crime)[DVDScr]

软件大小:709.27 MB

【原 片 名】Hate Crime
【外文别名】Hate Crime (USA)
【首映日期】2005年1月14日 (美国)
【MPAA级别】R 级(暴力及性语言)
【IMDB评分】 5.9/10 (87 votes)
【国  家】美国
【类  别】犯罪/惊悚/剧情
【导  演】Tommy Stovall
【主  演】布鲁斯戴维森 Bruce Davison
吉安卡罗埃斯波西托 Giancarlo Esposito
林沙烨 Lin Shaye
苏珊布拉克利 Susan Blakely
扎德道拉 Chad Donella
Dee Hennigan
Sean Hennigan
Brandy Little
【文件格式】XviD + MP3
【文件大小】1CD 50x15MB
视频尺寸】540 x 304
【影片长度】103 Mins
 Robbie Levinson and Trey McCoy suddenly encounter intolerance and hostility at the hands of their new neighbor, Chris Boyd, the son of a fundamentalist preacher. One evening, Trey sets out on his nightly walk with their dog and never returns. Immediately, fingers are pointed and Chris and Robbie become the prime suspects. With no support from the authorities, Robbie receives help from some unlikely sources to execute a desperate and dangerous plan that uncovers secrets that will turn many lives upside-down and ultimately bring the perpetrator to justice, regardless of the consequences.
Robbie Levinson和Trey McCoy遇到了一位狭隘而且充满敌意的邻居--Chris Boyd,一位虔诚的基督教传教士的儿子。某天晚上,外出溜狗的Trey再也没有回来。马上,Chris 和 Robbie根据指纹的显示成为了嫌疑人。在没有任何有部门的支持下,Robbie得到了来自一些不可能得到的帮助去完成他孤注一掷和危机重重的计划。他要不顾一切地弄清人们突然消失的秘密,将罪犯绳之于法。

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  • 名称:《仇恨的罪恶》(Hate Crime)[DVDScr]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:25:27
  • 资源大小:709.27 MB
  • 授权形式:免费