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《寒潮将袭》(Before The Frost)[DVDRip]

软件大小:722.27 MB

【片名】Before The Frost
【评分】5.4/10 (443 votes)
【格式】XviD + MP3
【尺寸】592 x 320
【大小】1CD 38 X 20M
【导演】Kjell-?ke Andersson
【主演】Krister Henriksson .... Kurt Wallander
    Johanna S?llstr?m .... Linda Wallander
    Ola Rapace .... Stefan Lindman
    Ellen Mattsson .... Anna Westin
    Niklas Falk .... Erik Westin
    Angela Kovacs .... Ann-Britt H?glund (as Angela Kovács)
    Douglas Johansson .... Martinsson
    Mats Bergman .... Nyberg
    Fredrik Gunnarsson .... Svartman
    Chatarina Larsson .... Lisa Holgersson
    Jens Hultén .... Torgeir
    Karin Bertling .... Birgitta Medberg
    Malena Engstr?m .... Myran (as Malena Engstr?m)
    Maria Arnadottir .... Malin Krantz
    Marianne M?rck
Tracking a sadistic killer, detective Kurt Wallander follows a string of incidents -- attacks on domestic animals, ritualistic murders of humans -- with help from his daughter, Linda, a new member of the Ystad police force.
侦探Kurt Wallander在Ystad警局新成员、女儿Linda的帮助下,跟踪一系列同一形式的人类袭击家畜事件。

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  • 名称:《寒潮将袭》(Before The Frost)[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:13:54
  • 资源大小:722.27 MB
  • 授权形式:免费