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◎中文 名 旅舍
◎片  名 Cavite
◎年  代 2005
◎国  家 美国/菲律宾
◎类  别 惊悚
◎语  言 英语
◎字  幕 无字幕
◎IMDB评分 6.0 (90 votes)
◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0428303
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
视频尺寸 576 x 336
◎文件大小 50 x 15 MB
◎片  长 1:20:15
◎导  演 Neill Dela Llana
      Ian Gamazon
◎主  演 Ian Gamazon .... Adam
      Dominique Gonzalez .... Dana
      Jeffrey Lagda
◎简  介 
"Cavite" proves that if the story is good enough, technical excellence is unimportant. Filmed on video with a crew of two, and no budget whatsoever, Cavite is a gripping, roller coaster of a ride. Called to the Philippines, a completely Americanized, young Filipino-American discovers that his mother and sister have been kidnapped. A cellphone planted in his backpack rings and he learns they are held by terrorists and he must follow every direction he is given or they will be killed. Guided by the terrorist's voice on a cellphone, what follows is a tense voyage through the underbelly of Cavite, a city in the Philippines. Although this is at its soul a thriller, by focusing on stark images of third-world poverty, the film cleverly illustrates why terrorist acts have appeal for many. Like all classic thrillers the stakes get higher and higher and the tension grows as the story moves on to its inevitable climax. Although some critics have indicated that they thought the lead actor was lacking in ability I found exactly the opposite -- he is the perfect "everyman," trapped in a situation not of his making. This is great storytelling. I saw this movie twice and recommend it highly.
天降横祸,美籍亚裔青年亚当从美国回到家乡马尼拉,本欲挽回破裂的婚姻,谁知一落机便无端接到夺命追魂call,电话的另一端是恐怖分子,逼使亚当为其放炸弹进行恐怖袭击,否则会杀掉他的母亲和姊姊。 亚当唯有依计行事,在Cavite这个罪恶之城穿梭行动,惜事与愿遗,恐怖分子得寸进尺…… 菲律宾鬼才导演Llana和Gamazon一鸣惊人之作,镜头由主角视点出发,令画面更见震撼及充满压迫感,同时亦示范了紧绌资金下仍可拍出富社会性的精采作品,难怪美国独立电影界一线看好。 《来电险事》也要让路。(snsee)
? 2006美国独立电影精神大奖新导演奖
? 2005夏威夷电影节最佳故事片




  • 名称:《来电恐吓》(Cavite)[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:10:53
  • 资源大小:699.51 MB
  • 授权形式:免费