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《恐惧的海洋》(Sea Of Fear)[DVDRip]

软件大小:705.55 MB

【片名】Sea Of Fear
【评分】awaiting 5 votes
【格式】XviD + MP3
【尺寸】640 x 272
【大小】1CD 49 X 15M
【导演】Andrew Schuth
【主演】Edward Albert .... Captain
    Katherine Bailess .... Kate
    Kieren Hutchison .... Tom
    Burgess Jenkins .... Lance
    Adam Mayfield .... Joel
    Christopher Showerman .... Derek (as Chris Showerman)
    Caroline Walker .... Ashley MacDougal
It began as a peaceful weekend getaway. But for five vacationers, a dream trip quickly takes a nightmarish turn when the boat's navigator vanishes without a trace one night.
The level quickly rises as, one by one, the stranded passengers and captain end up dead - brutally slain in the most horrible way they each could imagine - in this cryptic thriller that takes terror into unchartered waters.
原本平静的周末外出。但对于5位度假者而言,当游船的领航员在晚上消失的无影无踪后,一次梦幻之旅迅速转变成恶梦。水平面迅速上涨,一个接一个,陷入困境乘客和船长相继死去 以他们能够想象的最残忍的方式被杀害。(神射)

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  • 名称:《恐惧的海洋》(Sea Of Fear)[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:48:24
  • 资源大小:705.55 MB
  • 授权形式:免费