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《姿三四郎》(Sugata Sanshiro)[DVDRip]

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◎译 名:姿三四郎
◎其 他:
Judo Saga
Kurosawa's Judo Saga
Sugata Sanshiro
◎编 剧:冈本喜八
◎主 演:
Denjiru kochi ..... Shogoro Yano
Susumu Fujita ..... Sanshiro Sugata
Yukiko Todoroki ..... Sayo Murai
Ryunosuke Tsukigata ..... Gennosuke Higaki
志村乔 ..... Hansuke Murai, Sayo's father
Ranko Hanai ..... Osumi Kodana
Sugisaku Aoyama ..... Tsunetami Iimura
◎地 区:日本
◎语 言:日语
◎字 幕:暂无
◎片 长:97分钟
◎格 式:Xvid+Mp3
◎色 彩:黑白
◎年 份:1943-3-25
◎类 型:剧情/ 动作
◎简 介:
Sanshiro, a strong stubborn youth, comes to the city to apprentice at a jujitsu school. His first night, he sees Yano in action, a master of judo, a more spiritual art, and he begs to be Yano's student. As the youth learns technique, he must also learn "satori," the calm acceptance of Nature's law. If he can balance strength and control, then judo may become the training regimen for the city's police, Sanshiro can gain respect from an old teacher in a jujitsu school, and he can win the hand of Sayo, that teacher's daughter, who is also sought by jujitsu's finest master, the implacable Higaki, who vows to kill Sanshiro in a midnight fight on a windswept mountainside.
◎截 图:
user posted image
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  • 名称:《姿三四郎》(Sugata Sanshiro)[DVDRip]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-30 12:58:58
  • 资源大小:700.48 MB
  • 授权形式:免费