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Stinktopia-Make Gas, Unleash It on Friends

Stinktopia-Make Gas, Unleash It on Friends

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:18.1 MB
  3. 版本:1.6.2
    1. 分类:策略游戏
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:Stinktopia-Make Gas Unleash It on Friends


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:重大更新: 2011年 六月 ---------- ***** 曾... Stinktopia-Make Gas, Unleash It on Friends
    重大更新: 2011年 六月
    ***** 曾被Apple "New and Noteworthy"!!! *****

    看看App Store(US) 上其他使用者的:

    *I was getting tired of other social and farming games because you don't get to do much with what you make. Stinktopia changed it all. i get to explore the world, make friends and best of all, stink bomb them. :) great job dev team! THANKS!!!
    by Dadandmom

    *Awesome!!! The minions make the game 100,000,000% better. Great game
    by Elite Grenadier

    *I just got the game and I love the idea, design, and play. It is easy to learn and will bring you back for more!
    by Surbeny

    *Very fun and creative game!! Kind of like sim city but better! the detailed graphics give me a smile from time to time! love how you an attack all over world! 5 stars! keep up the good work and please spread the word stinky people! :D
    by John Wang

    *The most original and fun game vie played in a while. Entertaining even for an "old fart" like me.
    by BigHeadAdam

    *This is an adorable and unique sim life game in the similar vein of other farming games on the iPad - except it is so different! What's great is the level of customization, moving buildings around, buying new ones, adding decor, and creating your own little world. I've spend countless hours browsing the apple store for a meaningful sim life game for the iPad. Most are just cook/plant/wait…rinse repeat. This game allows you to manage resources but also to interact with others and customize to your heart's content.
    by death_candy


    生瓦斯、遨世界,到朋友再他一堆臭炸 ^_^

    Stinktopia 是一原格、功能富的另社交。


    * 建造,一充了用建,有著可手下辛勤工作的活行都市。
    * 位置感知,藉由 iPhone、iPod Touch、iPad 的此功能在中取得。
    * 起你的童心,些幼稚的玩笑也妨,生活太可是健康有害!


    * 就是美 - 建造一最漂亮的 stinktopia 朋友分享。
    * 深入境 - 在的地方玩,可以更有效的使用源策行。
    * 和朋友 - 方都有利,不家拿到的更多 ^_^
    * 送物朋友 - 如果你想送西,嗯,。
    * 特的建 - 它都有用!(巨型所到香水室)
    * 查 - 「借」一些朋友 stinktopia 建物的。
    * 留言朋友 - 要如何的甜言蜜或出言挑都可以。(鬼就好)
    * 自你的人像,在人之中而出。
    * 模式 - Stinktopia 是一上,不在路不定也妨。
    * 藉由 Game Center 挑排行榜名次和成就。
    * 藉由子件、Facebook、Twitter 朋友分享-不需要。
    * 定推出免的新容,小小一托邦越越好。


    拜我的 Twitter - http://twitter.com/BeAManGames

    情享受! ^_^
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