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Sudoku (Free)

Sudoku (Free)

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:8.9 MB
  3. 版本:1.10
    1. 分类:策略游戏
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:Sudoku (Free)


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:Top 100 free app for over a year.Rated "Bes... Sudoku (Free)
    Top 100 free app for over a year.
    Rated "Best Sudoku Game of the Year" by Apple.
    Rated #9 Game of the Year by Apple.
    Rated #24 App of the Year by Apple with over 10,000 apps competing!

    With unique handcrafted puzzles across four different skill levels, Sudoku (Free) is a great introduction to the fun and puzzle solving challenge of Sudoku.


    All options are on by default, but you can turn them off in the Options menu
    Show Incorrect :: Shows incorrect answers in red.
    Smart Buttons :: Disables the number button when that number is completed on the game board.
    Smart Notes :: Removes the number from the notes in the box, column, and row that contains the cell with your correct answer.


    Multiple color schemes
    Unique handcrafted puzzles
    Four different skill levels
    Challenge a friend
    ALL puzzles are solvable WITHOUT guessing
    4 color schemes
    "ALL notes": tap the "All notes" button on to show all the possible answers for each square. Tap the "All notes" button off to remove the notes.
    Hints: shows the answer for the selected square or a random square when one is not selected
    Pause the game at any time and resume where you left off
    Best times, progress statistics, and much more

    Do you want more? Try one of our other versions of sudoku which have all the same great features!
    * Look for our paid edition of Sudoku with 800 puzzles and more unique color schemes.
    * Or try Color Sudoku for a fun twist to solving sudoku puzzles.
    * For advanced puzzle solving, try Expert Sudoku to challenge your sudoku solving skills.
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