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    就下载 > iPhone > 苹果游戏 > 策略游戏



  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:7 MB
  3. 版本:3.0
    1. 分类:策略游戏
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:Toobz-Free


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:Toobz-Free is a challenging, fast-paced game... Toobz-Free
    Toobz-Free is a challenging, fast-paced game that brings together quick reactions, planning, and a little bit of luck.

    Your goal is to create a system of "Toobz" (pipes) beginning at a randomly-placed starting point. Your Toobz network must allow water to flow without any spilling. As you advance through levels, you'll have less and less time to place the pieces before the water starts automatically. You can start the water at any time, allowing you to quickly advance to the next level and earn extra points. If you spill any water, though, your game is over and you'll have to try again.

    Toobz-Free features three game modes: "Classic Toobz" in which only one upcoming piece is displayed, "Show Toobz" game in which the next four pieces are displayed, and the new "Puzzle" game that starts you out with a full board.
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