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Singapore Transport Map - MRT Map for your phone and tablet

Singapore Transport Map - MRT Map for your phone and tablet

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:10.9 MB
  3. 版本:5.1.1
    1. 分类:购物旅游
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:Singapore Transport Map - MRT Map for your phone and tablet


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:1 transport map available for free... Singapore Transport Map - MRT Map for your phone and tablet
    1 transport map available for free download (internet connection required). This app makes it easy to view large transport maps on your iPhone or iPad. When you first launch the app, it downloads the latest version of the map from the web and process it into image tiles, this might take a few minutes. But it supports full multi-tasking, so you are safe to quit the app and come back later. Once that is done, the future loading time will be very fast. Most PDF software on iPhone cannot handle large files well, they are slow in loading the files and zooming in. Our app is designed from ground up to be a fast reader for large image PDFs.

    You can also purchase our map packs (internet connection required) to download other publicly available PDF maps and store them on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. You can download the maps when you have fast wifi connection - and then use any time in the future without delay.

    Please note that we do not provide any of the maps and by clicking on any of the links, you are downloading directly from the web and agreeing to the respective sites license agreement. The software helps you to store and load the downloaded copy to save repeated download time and costs.

    We believe that anyone with a smartphone should be able to have PDF travel maps on their device and we are working hard to help eliminating the use of paper for travel maps.

    √ Download (internet connection required) and store maps and guides for offline use - no more time-consuming searches!
    √ Works with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad with HD support for Retina Display.
    √ Supports the iPhone pinch-to-zoom feature!
    √ Tap on the map for full screen view to hide the toolbars.
    √ Simple user interface and intuitive user experience.
    √ Supports multi-tasking (background tasks) on iOS 4.0 for downloading and processing.
    √ Add Map Packs with in-app purchase.

    Check out http://www.OnDemandWorld.com/ for more information.

    COMING SOON: Our team is already working on the next version which is even faster, other new features including customizable list for adding and sorting your own list of maps and guides, favorites lists, integration with web community, user-ratings and translation into many languages. Stay tuned for the free update.

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