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    就下载 > iPhone > 苹果应用 > 办公理财



  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:13.5 MB
  3. 版本:
    1. 分类:办公理财
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-06-14

  1. 标签:UC浏览器英文版


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:英文版的UC浏览器,支持书签,有4不同主题。 UC浏览器英文版
    UC Browser, the choice of 400 million users!

    UC Browser can offer you faster browsing experience with lots of fun. Advanced technology can reduce data costs by up to 85%. The rich feature includes file share, watch offline,themes,cloud download, multi-gesture,download & file manager, incognito browsing and a lot more.

    ★Wi-Fi Sharing:
    You can transfer files between phones and computers conveniently under the same Wi-Fi network.

    ★Watch Offline:
    Save time and data usage by making videos available offline, so you can watch them later.

    ★Cloud Download:
    Cloud Download offers easier downloads, with all files supported and a faster download speed.

    ★Change themes:
    Shake to Change Theme: Download themes from the theme center and then shake to change between them.

    ★Brand-new Home Page:
    Organize shortcuts on homepage, just like the way you organize apps on iPhone, e.g. long press and drag them into folder.

    ★Download & File Manager:
    Fast and stable download speed, with convenient file management.Running the browser in the background will not interrupt downloading tasks.Downloaded files can be identified and opened with the corresponding applications.

    ★Smart Detection:
    Before you start downloading a file that is not compatible with the phone, the user will get a prompt to avoid wasting time and data usage.

    ★Incognito Browsing:
    Protect your privacy with incognito browsing, browsing data will not be saved in your device.

    ★Quick Reads:
    Quick Reads is a RSS Reader integrated in UC Browser, it keeps you up to date with news from NY Times, CNN, USA Today etc.

    ★Facebook/Twitter/Evernote Integration:
    Share the pages you like to Facebook/Twitter/Evernote.

    ★QR Code Scan:
    QR Code Scanner is available in UC Browser.

    Suggestions will be shown once you start typing in the address bar.

    Also check out our iPad version(https://itunes.apple.com/vn/app/uc-browser-for-ipad/id549088753?mt=8 )
    Know more about UC Browser: http://www.ucweb.comFollow us on :Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucmobTwitter: https://twitter.com/#!/UCBrowserSubscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucwebvideoContact us: [email protected]

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