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Begin - Your daily to-do list

Begin - Your daily to-do list

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:6.5 MB
  3. 版本:1.5.1
    1. 分类:办公理财
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:Begin - Your daily to-do list


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:To-dos made easy. Begin is a to-do list fo... Begin - Your daily to-do list
    To-dos made easy.

    Begin is a to-do list for real people. It works how you’d expect. It's fast, it's simple and it's beautiful.
    Each to-do item has just three options: do it today, do it tomorrow, or it's done.
    At the start of each day Begin clears out old to-dos, so you can start fresh.

    Follow on Twitter and App.net at @beginapp.


    "Begin shows how you can be creative and minimal at the same time while designing a stunning iOS 7 interface." - Beautiful Pixels

    "It's fast, clean, and is one of those "get in and get back to whatever I was doing" kind of apps. And in the end, isn't this just what a task manager should be?" - AppAdvice

    "It's simple, fast, and gesture driven. If you like the premise and simplicity of the Bullet Journal method, then Begin might be just the app for you." - Shawn Blanc


    - Old to-dos are automatically cleared out each day.
    - Uncompleted to-dos for the past two days are saved, giving you the option to delete them forever or bring them back to today.
    - One handed, swipe based interactions.
    - Add multiple to-dos at once.
    - Daily alarm to remind you of uncompleted tasks.
    - Easily share your list through Email, Text, Facebook, or Twitter.
    - Themes can switch from dark to light automatically based on sunrise and sunset times.
    - Additional themes are available via in-app purchase.
    - URL Scheme support (with x-callback-url) for compatibility with apps like Drafts and Launch Center Pro.

    Abraham Lincoln once said: “The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.” Begin embraces the march of time, helping you make the most of every day.
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