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iQNote - My Quick Note and Smart Writing App

iQNote - My Quick Note and Smart Writing App

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:4.3 MB
  3. 版本:1.0
    1. 分类:办公理财
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:iQNote - My Quick Note and Smart Writing App


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:****THE SMARTEST AND FASTEST NOTE APP****i... iQNote - My Quick Note and Smart Writing App

    iQNote provides quick, flexible and extraordinary solution for iOS users taking notes and writing diaries. It is absolutely a wonderful app that will make your life more convenient, smooth and smarter.

    iQNote records your life chores, interesting photos, voice reminders, and makes these notes completely searchable. Sleek interface mainly adopts three colors: blue, yellow, and red, which are used for taking text notes, photos and sound records accordingly.

    You can classify and manage notes easily under All Notes feature. And you can check the notes at home, at work or on your way as you wish.

    Top Hits in iQNote is designed to help you check the most frequently viewed notes quickly and easily.


    -Write text notes with detailed date and time
    -Your text notes will be automatically saved in All Notes and Top Hits

    -Write notes with photos by taking photos quickly
    -Your photo notes will be saved with detailed date and time

    -Click on the Sound button to start recording
    -You can write something for your sound note
    -Sound record will start quietly and it won't affect the people around you

    -Font Size & Theme: You can customize the Size and Theme of your notes
    -iCloud Backup: iCloud opens by default for you to Sync your notes
    -Top Hits Quantity: Customize the quantity of Top Hits
    -Rate This App: If you like our application, don't forget to Rate This App
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