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    就下载 > iPhone > 苹果应用 > 办公理财



  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:10.7 MB
  3. 版本:1.6.2
    1. 分类:办公理财
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:Timeful


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:Timeful gets things scheduled so you can get... Timeful
    Timeful gets things scheduled so you can get them done. It’s your calendar and to-do list with intelligent assistance to make the most of your time.

    Timeful has been featured in “Best New Apps” by Apple, in the “100 Best iPhone Apps of 2014” by PC Magazine, and in both “The App 100: The World’s Greatest Apps” and “13 Must-Own Apps” by Business Insider.

    Timeful brings everything that competes for your time together into one place - your meetings, events, to-dos, and even good habits you’re looking to develop.

    It uses sophisticated algorithms to suggest the best times to schedule to-dos and habits throughout the day - based on your available time, location and most productive hours of the day.

    Timeful learns from your behaviors, adapts to your schedule, and personalizes the recommendations the more you use it.

    Features of Timeful:
    + Everything comes together on your Calendar, seamlessly - events, meetings, to-dos, and repeating habits all appear in one place so you can see what is competing for your time

    + Schedule your to-dos and habits by simply dragging them directly onto your calendar and get reminders to make progress when the time comes

    + Timeful will help you schedule your day based on the patterns of your habits, upcoming deadlines, and time available to make progress on your big to-dos

    + Make time for good habits - plan out your work, personal, wellness or other categories of habits that should appear multiple times per day, daily, weekly or monthly

    + Protect time on shared calendars - schedule your to-dos or habits and they appear as “busy” on your work or personal calendar

    + Sideline events to free up time - move events or whole calendars out of view that don’t need to take up your precious time on your schedule

    + Sync with all your Calendars - Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook/Exchange, Yahoo! Calendar, Apple iCal and many others.

    What people say about Timeful:

    "Love it! First time ever that I scheduled a to-do in my calendar and got it done - and by 9:30 in the morning!" - Priya P. MBA Candidate

    "This is how you do it right! Timeful creates [the] perfect calendar!" - Lucas S., UX & Web Designer

    "I did want to take the time to tell you how fantastic this app is ... it makes the way I work even better and smarter ..." - Nir C., Small Business Owner

    "Trying out Timeful and loving it. Best to-do app ever!" - Kenji C., Researcher

    "Thanks for building this great app! It will make my life much easier." - Philippe C., PhD Candidate in Judgment and Decision Making

    "OMG. I got through my wild day and feel great about myself. "
    - Alison K., Professor
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