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Puzkend Lite

Puzkend Lite

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:2次
  2. 大小:45.0MB
  3. 版本:1.0.2
    1. 分类:休闲娱乐
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2014-10-14

  1. 标签:Puzkend Lite


  1. 应用简介

  1. 精美的划线消除游戏《Azkend 2》可以说是画线类消除的巅峰之作,玩法多样,画面华丽,这次开发商10tons将其中关卡间的消除谜题模式单独抽出,重新加入大量新谜题,制作了这款《Puzkend》,并且免费上线,诚意满满。游戏将一改以前消除类游戏紧张激烈的倒计时模式,没有时间限制,考验的是玩家的破解谜题能力。同样通过将三个相同图标划线消除的方式,目标是将关卡中所有的图标全部消除,整个游戏的步骤顺序变得尤其重要。游戏共有4种难度,12个关卡,而每个关卡中又有12个谜题,总计有144个消除谜题让你挑战。其中前四个关卡(包含两个简单,一个中等和一个高难关卡)是免费提供的,后八个需要通过内付费来购买。 A Magnificent Match-3 Puzzle! A match-3 brain teaser from the creators of Azkend! Take your time and relax with an untimed puzzle game set in the world of Azkend 2: The World Beneath. Puzkend is a fresh take on the familiar match-3 game. In Puzkend the ultimate goal in each level is to clear the game board by matching same kind of items into strings of three or more, making them disappear. There's no time limit and you don't need to worry about making mistakes:
    You can always go back as many moves you like. The most skilled Puzkend players anticipate the effects of their moves: As matched items are removed, the remaining items will fall and roll down. The further you can anticipate, the more difficult levels you can tackle!
    Puzkend includes more than 200 levels from tiny casual puzzles to epic brain twisters. - Original & relaxing puzzle gameplay with no time limits - Unlimited undo feature for enjoyable puzzle solving - Enjoy some of the magnificent subterranean worlds of Azkend 2 - Four difficulty levels from easy to epic: pick the one you feel most comfortable with! Check out www.puzkend.com!
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