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Tower Stacker

Tower Stacker

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:2次
  2. 大小:13.26M
  3. 版本:1.0.1
    1. 分类:休闲娱乐
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2014-12-17

  1. 标签:Tower Stacker


  1. 应用简介

  1. You are the creator & builder of towers, but keeping them from collapsing is your true challenge!This a game of building & crafting the best possible towers, while dealing with the laws of gravity.With a smooth physics engine and a great variety of pieces every stage of the game is unique.Tower Stacker is a fun and addictive puzzle game where you decide the best possible way to craft a tower in every situation you face.In each level you will be given a number of pieces that must be placed. Simply tap the screen anywhere and drag a piece into the world. When you untap the piece will be place but keep in mind that what goes up will also come back down.If a block falls off of the screen you will lose a life, lose all life and it is game over!If you enjoy placing blocks & creating the world around then you are ready to try out Tower Stacker!
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