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CFL Connect

CFL Connect

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:32.66M
  3. 版本:1.1
    1. 分类:体育游戏
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2014-12-04

  1. 标签:CFL Connect


  1. 应用简介

  1. Play CFL Connect presented by TELUS during a Canadian Football League game! Strategize, compete against friends, and use weapons to win bragging rights in real time! This is the game that changes how you watch and experience Football. CFL Connect presented by TELUS is social, interactive, fast paced, and brings football to the palm of your hand! Now you can compete against your friends during a live game no matter where you are! How to play: Your game board includes 16 game events. When an event happens during a live game, the matching game tile will light up on your game board. Achieve 4 consecutive squares in any direction and win a ‘Connect’, plus bragging rights and your place on the leaderboard! Strategize and take your game up a notch! Swap out squares based on what’s happening in the live game. Block or freeze other players with weapons! CFL Connect presented by TELUS takes the best elements of watching the game with your friends and enhances it with direct head-to-head competition all on mobile! ** Live play-by-play stream of every CFL game powers game play ** Interactive game play ** Global game chat ** Play with friends OneUp Games no-holds-barred, live-action, edge of your seat, sweat-inducing, split-second decision making second screen games!
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