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像素射击 Neoteria Free

像素射击 Neoteria Free

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:2次
  2. 大小:3.82M
  3. 版本:1.2.3
    1. 分类:射击游戏
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2014-12-04

  1. 标签:像素射击 Neoteria Free


  1. 应用简介

  1. **We will add new content when we reach 20.000 downloads across all versions: Android, iOS, both free and paid versions ! So tell your friends to download and enjoy the game ;) * FREE version, comes with ads. If you don't like it, get the paid version and support our work!Neoteria is a classic horizontal shoot em up game (shmup).Multiple worlds, levels and aliens are waiting to be blasted.Our focus is on using your thumb like the 80's and 90's shooter games: The faster your thumb, the faster you shoot !! Give the controls a few minutes to get used to, they really work!Hidden worlds, different difficulty modes (un-lockable pilots) AWESOME sound track and great retro graphics and sound effects.Game starts in easy mode, but Hard mode is as challenging as all our games are, getting the full 100% completion is not for the weak or casual gamer!The keywords: 2d retro shmup arcade actionFind any bugs? tell us on twitter @orangepixel, facebook.com/orangepixel or mail us, and we will try and get them fixed ASAP!Xperia PLAY OptimizedMOGA Controller support**我们将增加新的内容,当我们到达20.000在所有版本的Andr??oid,IOS,免费和付费两种版本下载!所以告诉你的朋友下载并享受游戏的乐趣;) *免费版本,带有广告。如果你不喜欢它,得到的付费版本,并支持我们的工作!Neoteria是一个经典的横向射击的的游戏(shmup)。正在等待被炸开多的世界水平和外国人。我们的重点是用拇指像上世纪80年代和90年代的射击游戏的速度越快,你的拇指,你拍!给控制了几分钟习惯,他们真正的工作!隐藏的世界,不同的难度模式(未上锁的飞行员)真棒声轨和伟大的复古图形和声音效果。游戏开始在简易模式,但硬盘模式是具有挑战性,因为我们所有的游戏,得到100%的完成是不弱或休闲玩家!关键字:2D的复古shmup的街机动作发现任何错误?告诉我们在facebook.com / Twitter @ orangepixel的,orangepixel或写信给我们,我们会尽量让他们尽快解决!的Xperia PLAY优化MOGA控制器支持
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