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《电视包装、广告创意》(STASH DVD: Issue 39)[光盘镜像]

软件大小:3.03 GB
中文名: 电视包装、广告创意
英文名: STASH DVD: Issue 39
资源格式: 光盘镜像
素材分类: 视频
出品机构: STASH
发行时间: 2007年12月05日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语

STASH DVD系列主要收录了当月来自CG行业最为热门的动画短片、精彩广告和其他一些颇具特色的作品。这些作品代表了当前CG行业最为领先的设计思想和理念,最为热门的技术等。这是业界从事电视节目包装、广告创意设计、视频后期处理人员相关人员非常值得收藏的珍品,更是创意设计的福音!
Stash 39 is the last issue of 2007 but it’s packed with all sorts of interesting firsts like “Terminus”, the first short film from director Trevor Cawood, the naughty new Orangina spot (on the cover) marking the maiden voyage of The Mill CG crew with Psyop at the helm, and the introduction of no less than a dozen studios and directors making their premier appearances on Stash.
And how do you lead off this issue of firsts? With 1st Ave Machine of course, and their redefinition of sexy robotics for European electronic giant Saturn. From there we mix the new with the known and emerge with an absolute freak show of animation and VFX here’s just a few highlights: Logan’s dark slow-mo duo for Casio, Süperfad’s sick treatments for PlayStation and Pioneer, two more epic and ambitious Guinness films an animated gem from Studio AKA and the VFX charmer “Tipping Point” from The Mill directed by Nicolai Fuglsig.
You’ll also find our new favorite Welsh company Hollbrooks Films with their twisted little short called “T.O.M.”, the mad new hip-hop video for Spiss from Studio Baestarts in Budapest, and new broadcast work from Rushes in London and PepperMelon in Buenos Aires.
But of course that’s just the start…
Brand New School is here, as is Ghost from Copenhagen, Andreas Nilsson for José Gonzales, The Viral Factory for Samsung, A52 for Lexus, Onesize, Fuel, Condor, and a host of fresh new names to watch for including: The 50 Year Storm from NY, Medios y Proyectos from Spain, The Basement from LA, Spy Pictures from London plus directors Sil van der Woerd from the Netherlands, Adam Long from Portland and Eb Hu and Johnny Kelly from London.
The BONUS FILM on Stash 39 is called “Terminus”, a charming sci-fi dark comedy with VFX from The Embassy in Vancouver. The live action short had its premier this September at the Toronto Film Festival and has since landed director Trevor Cawood rep deals with Spy Films in Toronto and Biscuit Filmworks in LA.
Your BONUS MUSIC on Stash 39 is a smoothly eclectic program of seven MP3s from Thrill Jockey Records designed to gently strip the old paint from your cerebral cortex with cool cuts from indie faves Sea And Cake, Trans Am, Tom Verlaine, Tortoise, The Zincs, National Trust and Angela Desveaux.
You’ll also find 27 minutes of BEHIND THE SCENES features on Stash 39 including revealing clips from 1st Ave Machine on Saturn “Pixel”, A52 on Lexus “Pop-Up”, Studio AKA on Guinness “Seconds From Greatness”, Ghost on Council for Traffic Safety “Take 10 Off”, and The 50 Year Storm on Subaru “WRX: The Legend Reborn”.
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├├┬ ├┬├ ├
├├├ ├ * Title..: STASH ISSUE 39
├├├ * Date...: February 24th, 2008
├ ├├├ * Type...: VFX, DVDR
├┬├├├┬┬ ├ * Disks..: 62x50mb
├├├┬ ├ ├
├├├ ├ ├┬┬├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬├
┬┬┬ ├ ├├ ├├┬├
├├├├ ├ ┬┬ ├ ├
┬┬┬├├├├├├├ ├├ ├┬├ Release notes:
├├├ Stash 39 is the last issue of 2007 but itΓs packed with all sorts of
├├├ interesting firsts like ΓTerminusΓ, the first short film from
├├├ director Trevor Cawood, the naughty new Orangina spot (on the cover)
├├├ marking the maiden voyage of The Mill CG crew with Psyop at the helm,
├├├ and the introduction of no less than a dozen studios and directors
├├├ making their premier appearances on Stash.
├├├ More info: http://www.stashmedia.tv/archive/stash39.htm
├├├ Install notes:
├├├ 1.) Unrar
├├├ 2.) Burn/Mount
├├├ 3.) Enjoy!
├├├ ├ ├┬┬├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬├
┬┬┬ ├ ├├ ├├┬├
├├├├ ├ ┬┬ ├ ├ GREETINGS:
┬┬┬├├├├├├├ ├├ ├┬├
├├├├├ ├├ Big thanks to all JGT sites, and
├├├├ ├├ ┬ sites accepting us!
┬├├┬├ ├├ ├├├├├├├
├ ├├├┬┬├├├├ ├├├├┬┬
├├├├├├├├┬┬├├├├├ ├├├├├├├
├├├├├├├├├├┬┬├├├├├ ├├├├┬├├├├┬├
├┬┬ ├ ├├├├├┬┬├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬├├
├├├ ├├├┬┬├├├ ├├├├├├├├├├├├
┬┬┬├├├├├ ├┬├├├├├├├┬├ ├├├├├├├├ ├ ├├├├┬├ ├├├ ├├├├├├├├├├├├├├┬┬┬┬┬┬ ┬┬┬┬ ┬
├├├ ├┬├ ├├┬┬ ┬┬ ├
├├├ in memory of ├ ├├├├ ├├ drawn by the honored
"judgement day is near..."
经最新版本Symantec AntiVirus ---Version:2008-02-25 rev.3 (诺顿)检查,无病毒!
常用服务器:IA MEDIA 2 、www.UseNeXT.info
共享条件:网通ADSL 512K带宽 速度较慢请大家分流

《电视包装、广告创意》(STASH DVD: Issue 39)[光盘镜像]下载

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  • 名称:《电视包装、广告创意》(STASH DVD: Issue 39)[光盘镜像]
  • 更新日期:2016-11-28 14:26:22
  • 资源大小:3.03 GB
  • 授权形式:免费