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    就下载 > iPhone > 苹果应用 > 阅读学习



  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:40 MB
  3. 版本:4.8
    1. 分类:阅读学习
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2016-08-06

  1. 标签:123儿童趣味记忆


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:内含6种小游戏,来锻炼儿童记忆力和观察力。 123儿童趣味记忆
    123 Kids Fun MEMO - Free Educational Games for Preschool Kids and Toddlers is a comprehensive preschool activity of memory matching games. Your children will improve their concentration, memory and motor skills while playing this rich and fun games!

    +++ GAMEPLAY +++

    * Play piano
    - tap keys in the indicated sequence and learn the songs.

    * Arrange dishes on plates
    - memorize arrangement of dishes on plates and repeat.

    * Croaking frogs
    - follow the frogs in proper sequence.

    * Find a missing animal
    - guess which animal is missing.

    * Find two same cards
    - uncover cards and find two identical.

    * Robots
    - repeat the pictures in proper sequence.


    * Effective learning tool for young children.
    * Hundreds of bright, colorful and memorable sounds and illustrations.
    * Simple and intuitive menus, navigation and gameplay.
    * Developed and reviewed by experts in preschool education
    * Aligned to Common Core Standards for Preschool and Kindergarten Education
    * A rich, exploratory environment filled with surprises
    * Funny, bright and creative artwork
    * Your children can interact with the app at their own pace


    Games for toddlers and preschoolers in this category develop the ability of logical thinking, exercise perceptiveness and perfectly exercise memory and the ability to concentrate. Dozens of sounds and voice recordings of colors, letter, animal sounds, fruit names. Hundreds of rich graphics, vibrant sounds and beautiful captivating special effects.

    With 123 Kids Fun MEMO, learning through entertainment is not only for kids, but also for their parents. It is already known that exercising brain allows maintaining it in good condition for many years.

    If you’re experiencing difficulties with audio, please check the audio settings with your device to see if your device is muted. Don’t hesitate to contact customer care at [email protected]
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