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    就下载 > iPhone > 苹果应用 > 系统工具



  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:25.5 MB
  3. 版本:1.0
    1. 分类:系统工具
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:Themeboard


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:Themeboard is the first ever destination for... Themeboard
    Themeboard is the first ever destination for the world's best theme designers and themes. Unlike other "customizable" keyboards, Themeboard enables the best designers and illustrators from all over the world to create quality keyboard themes for iOS. A brand new and extraordinary means for designers to get discovered and for users to personalize iOS with world-class artwork which Themeboard brings to life.

    Themeboard components:

    - A beautifully-simple app where designers make their themes available to iOS users. Users can browse and download themes, learn more about the designers, check their other work, and even connect with them via email or social media.

    - A theme-able keyboard that sports a unique Emoji Bar and supports all the great features iOS users expect from Apple's default keyboard and more (e.g autocorrection, slide-shift to for quick capitalization, caps lock, quick delete with 3 speeds).

    Themeboard Keyboard's Features:

    - Emoji Bar. Instead of switching back and forth between character and emoji keyboards like everyone else does, the Emoji Bar co-exists with the rest of the keyboard allowing you to continue typing without the need to switch context to enter an emoji. Tap once on the globe to hide/show the Emoji Bar and tap-hold to switch to other keyboards. You can also rearrange the Emoji Bar from the Themeboard app.

    - Designed for all iPhone sizes (4S/5/5S/6/6 Plus) and iPad.
    - Auto-correction.
    - Quick delete with 3 speeds. Accelerates the longer you hold it down (single character/word/10 characters).
    - Double tap a suggestion/correction to automatically insert it followed by a period.
    - Text to Emoji & Kaomoji suggestions. If you type LOL or :D, the laughing emoji will be among the suggestions.
    - User-defined iOS keyboard shortcuts importing. Themeboard will automatically import your Apple keyboard shortcuts.
    - Automatic capitalization. On new lines or special characters(!?.) followed by space. Also when deleting.
    - Automatic period upon double space. Will only insert a space if there is a period or space before.
    - Tapping a special character (,.?!-/) automatically inserts a suggestion/correction followed by the special character.
    - Caps lock. Automatically turns off when switching to number pad (a la Apple keyboard).
    - Tap-hold Shift then slide capitalization. Tap-hold shift then slide to a character to capitalize it.
    - Capitalize character keys with shift button.
    - Responding to url field, numbers and email traits.

    Themeboard is brought to you by Taphive, the makers of TodoMovies (featured by Apple, 9to5Mac, Empire Magazine, AppAdvice, 4 Mice from MacWorld).
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