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Lifecake - Baby Photo Timeline

Lifecake - Baby Photo Timeline

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:47.1 MB
  3. 版本:3.2.0
    1. 分类:生活助理
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:Lifecake - Baby Photo Timeline


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:Featured by Apple, "App of the Day" by The D... Lifecake - Baby Photo Timeline
    Featured by Apple, "App of the Day" by The Daily Mail, "Mums Love" award by Babyworld, 5 stars by The Baby Website.

    Kids grow up fast. See and share your child's amazing progress with a private, beautiful photo, video and story timeline.


    *** Remember more ***
    - Forget folders! Enjoy photos in one timeline.
    - Combine yours and your partner’s photos.
    - Add from Dropbox, Facebook, Picasa, Instagram.

    *** Remember better ***
    - Zoom to any age in seconds.
    - Compare stages from birth to today.
    - Find any moment easily, on any device.

    *** Remember together ***
    - Skip email. Family get updates automatically.
    - Receive instant comments from loved ones.
    - Family can follow on any phone or computer.


    100% control

    - You decide who has access.
    - No advertising. Ever.
    - Download all content at www.lifecake.com.

    Great extras:

    Photobooks: Parents and family can also create glossy-paged, hardcover photobooks with photos at www.lifecake.com on computers.

    VIP: Lifecake is free to download and use for hundreds of photos and an hour of high-quality video. Lifecake offers a VIP option, which lets you keep safe
    a lifetime of photos and videos - in full quality and in unlimited amounts - for a low monthly or yearly subscription.


    Have a question or comment? Just email us at [email protected]. And you can always check our terms here: https://www.lifecake.com/#tos.

    Enjoy Lifecake!
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