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  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:40.9 MB
  3. 版本:7.0.2
    1. 分类:其他应用
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2016-08-05

  1. 标签:VisualDx


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:VisualDx is the single source for diagnostic... VisualDx
    VisualDx is the single source for diagnostic clinical decision support. Searchable by symptoms, signs, and patient factors, VisualDx is the fastest path to a customized differential diagnosis. Tens of thousands of images and graphics speed comparison, recognition, and diagnosis. VisualDx is used to validate a diagnosis, access next steps for management and care, and for patient education. The VisualDx decision support and reference tool for physicians includes more than 2600 diagnoses and over 33 700 medical images. REQUIRES a VisualDx subscription; see below for details.

    VisualDx combines expert medical knowledge, standardized terminology, intelligent search, and the best medical images to deliver concise and accurate answers. Search by diagnosis, build a patient-specific differential, or look up drug-induced adverse reactions by medication all at the point of care. VisualDx Mobile is the ONLY professional medical app to show disease variation with images.

    With VisualDx you can:
    Quickly search by diagnosis for next steps on management and patient care.
    Visually confirm a diagnosis by comparing medical images to your patient’s presentation.
    Review diagnostic pearls and best tests at the point of care to aid with diagnosis.
    Build a custom differential based on your patient’s signs, symptoms, and other key findings such as travel history.
    Build a visual differential of medication-induced diseases by drug for over 1000 medications.
    Provide on-the-spot patient education with real medical images.
    Access ICD-10 and SNOMED CT codes.
    Perform VisualDx Quiz to test your knowledge of visual presentations of disease, and compete against colleagues via leaderboards.

    Over 1500 hospitals and clinics use VisualDx to aid diagnostic accuracy, enhance medical education, and improve patient outcomes.

    Launch VisualDx AT YOUR INSTITUTION and click “Get our free app… Learn how” to register for a personal VisualDx user name and password to use on your iPhone or iPad.

    CURRENT subscribers: use your existing user name and password with VisualDx Mobile.
    NEW subscribers: sign up in the app to start using your VisualDx free trial.
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