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  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:5.4 MB
  3. 版本:1.7.1
    1. 分类:其他应用
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-06-26

  1. 标签:食品卡路里计数器:营养杂货店产品的详细


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:This app is your personal, portable diet pla... 食品卡路里计数器:营养杂货店产品的详细
    This app is your personal, portable diet planner with quick advice on what’s really healthy! It’s great for busy shoppers and people who don’t want to lose track of what they eat.

    It uses traffic light signals to show you what’s good for your diet in seconds, but also combines food into personal meals to show you how many calories and nutrients you have consumed:

    Main features:
    Traffic lights indicate low, medium or high nutrient levels
    More than 6.000 basic groceries & staple foods with calorie count included
    More than 8.000 of the most popular brand products with calorie count included
    Nutrition statistics for your personal meals
    Most important nutrients: fat (incl. saturated fats), salt, sugar & calorie content

    For many shoppers it is often too time-consuming or simply confusing to compare nutrition labels on boxes. Traffic lights were scientifically developed by the UK government to solve this problem:

    - Traffic light labels are standardized, so choosing can be done by colors
    - Comparing colors is quick, intuitive and easy. No calculations necessary, even for the youngest in our families.
    - It's one simple system across any brand imaginable

    Simply by looking for “more greens”, it becomes fun and playful to shop for healthier products for the entire family.

    Improve your diet or the health of your family with ease
    Lower your calorie intake, salt or sugar consumption without much effort
    Compare products at home or on the go (thousands of items from 38 different categories included)
    Extend your app with any items you want to check
    Manage your diet by combining products into folders meals, snacks or entire days
    Use the nutrition calculator to personalize your daily amounts and cross check with what you eat
    "TOP" indicator for items with particularly favorable nutrition

    The app is as open as possible for families with a “healthy interest” in their diet. It’s a great assistant and will grow with everyone using it.
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