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Body Tracker - Body Fat Calculator, BMI, BMR, Macronutrients and Weight Loss

Body Tracker - Body Fat Calculator, BMI, BMR, Macronutrients and Weight Loss

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:7.7 MB
  3. 版本:2.14
    1. 分类:其他应用
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2015-05-11

  1. 标签:Body Tracker - Body Fat Calculator BMI BMR Macronutrients and Weight Loss


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:When it comes to quickly and easily calculat... Body Tracker - Body Fat Calculator, BMI, BMR, Macronutrients and Weight Loss
    When it comes to quickly and easily calculating your body fat percentage, nothing beats Body Tracker. Users are guided step-by-step through the entire process. Body fat calculations can be taken in record time - with no training.

    Body Tracker is remarkably easy to use, even if you have no prior experience calculating your body fat percentage. All you need is a tape measure, fat caliper, or body fat scale, and Body Tracker will show you exactly how to take your measurements. Just enter your measurements, and Body Tracker will do all the calculations for you - and save your results. If you don't know how to take caliper or tape measurements, just view the images or video included within Body Tracker.
    Body Tracker gives you a choice of several methods to calculate your body fat percentage.
    7-site Jackson/Pollock fat caliper method
    4-site Jackson/Pollock fat caliper method
    3-site Jackson/Pollock fat caliper method
    9-site Parillo fat caliper method
    4-site Durnim/Womersley fat caliper method
    Tape measure method (developed by Naval Health Research Center)
    Scale or other formula

    + Email results to clients.

    Body Tracker provides a detailed diagram and video showing exactly how to calculate your body fat percentage with a fat caliper or tape measure. Just click on the camera or video icon, and you will see a diagram or video showing the exact locations to measure with your body fat caliper. If you're using a tape measure, Body Tracker explains how to take those measurements. Even if you've never done it before, Body Tracker will explain how to accurately and easily calculate your own body fat percentage.

    + Record tape measurements (both left and right side)

    + Pictures
    Ability to take up to 6 pictures per date with camera or load previous pictures from photo library
    These pictures will then be displayed according to a user selected date
    Associate your body composition and tape measurements to these pictures
    Then take the picture slideshow that will display your pictures with associated measurements

    + Graphing body composition and tape measurements

    + Macronutrients logging

    + Weight Management logging

    + Set goals

    + Calculate your BMI

    + Calculate your BMR to find out how many calories your body burns per day.

    + One rep max calculator

    + Export both CSV files and Body Tracker databases for backup

    Check us our on Facebook for sneak peeks and more http://www.facebook.com/BodyTrackerApp
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